After London, we took a rather disturbing flight through a storm to Holland (Amsterdam) to visit my penpal of 8 years (or more!), Martyn Kiers, his wife Karin, and his daughter Larissa. The plane actually dropped in mid-air near the end of the trip and a woman screamed. It was pretty scary, but probably somewhat routine for the pilots and crew. Marijn picked us up at the airport and drove us to his flat. Martyn and Karin gave us their bed (I'm not exaggerating) and showed us around Utrecht for a couple of days. On the first day, we went to the city centre of Utrecht and saw de Dom, an old church originally built in 1600, I believe.

Utrecht coffee shop: Martyn, Karin, Larissa and Mike

The second day, we visited Naarden, an old fortress type place, with an inner and an outer mote, which we walked around. On this day, our other friend Claudio was with us, accompanied by his girlfriend Saskia and their daughter Shirley. Below is a photo of Melissa and Martyn in Naarden.

Martyn and Melissa at Naarden

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