List of Registration Districts
_________________________________________________________________ Acton Sudbury Bab Ackenham Bosmere Bosmere Aldeburgh Plomsgate Plomsgate Alderton Woodbridge Wil Aldham Cosford Cosford Aldringham Blything Blything Allington or Athelington Hoxne Hoxne Alnesbourn Prior, Nacton Woodbridge Col Alpheton Sudbury Bab Ampton Thingoe The Ashbocking Bosmere Bosmere Ashby Mut Mut Ashfield Gt Stow Blk Ashfield Lt Stow Blk Ashfield with Thorpe Bosmere Thr Aspall Hartismere Hartismere Assington Sudbury Bab Bacton Hartismere Hartismere Badingham Hoxne Hoxne Badley Bosmere Bosmere Badwell Ash - see Ashfield Lt Bardwell Thingoe Blk Barham Bosmere Bosmere Barking Bosmere Bosmere Barnardiston Risbridge Risbridge Barnby Mut Mut Barnham Thetford Blk Barningham Thetford Blk Barrow Thingoe Thingoe Barsham Wangford Wangford Barton Gt Thingoe The Barton Mills or Lt Barton Mildenhall Lac Battisford Bosmere Bosmere Bawdsey Woodbridge Wil Baylam Bosmere Bosmere Bealings Gt Woodbridge Car Bealings Lt Woodbridge Car Beccles Wangford Wangford Bedfield Hoxne Hoxne Bedingfield Hoxne Hoxne Beighton or Beyton Stow The Belstead Samford Samford Belton Mut Mut Benacre Blything Blything Benhall Plomsgate Plomsgate Bentley Samford Samford Berholt East Samford Samford Bildeston or Bilston Cosford Cosford Blakenham Gt Bosmere Bosmere Blakenham Lt Bosmere Bosmere Blaxhall Plomsgate Plomsgate Blundeston Mut Mut Blyburgh Blything Blything Blyford or Blyford Blything Blything Botesdale with Redgrave Hartismere Hartismere Boulge Woodbridge Wil Boxford Cosford Bab Boxted Sudbury Bab Boyton Woodbridge Wil Bradfield Combust Thingoe Thingoe Bradfield St Clare Thingoe Thingoe Bradfield St George Thingoe Thingoe Bradley Gt Risbridge Risbridge Bradley Lt Risbridge Risbridge Bradwell Mut Mut Braiseworth Hartismere Hartismere Bramfield Blything Blything Bramford Bosmere Bosmere Brampton Blything Blything Brandeston Plomsgate Loe Brandon Thetford Lac Brantham Samford Samford Bredfield Woodbridge Wil Brent Eleigh Cosford Bab Brettenham Cosford Cosford Bricett Gt Bosmere Bosmere Bricett Lt with Offton Brightwell Woodbridge Car Brockley Thingoe Thingoe Brome Hartismere Hartismere Bromeswell Woodbridge Wil Bruisyard Plomsgate Plomsgate Brundish Hoxne Hoxne Bucklesham Woodbridge Col Bungay St Mary Wangford Wangford Bungay Holy Trinity Wangford Wangford Bures St Mary part in Essex Sudbury Bab Burgate Hartismere Hartismere Burgh Woodbridge Car Burgh Castle Mut Mut Burstall Samford Samford Bury St Edmunds St James Bse Thingoe Bury St Edmunds St Mary Bse Thingoe Butley Plomsgate Loe Buxhall Stow Stow Campsey Ash Plomsgate Loe Capel St Andrew Woodbridge Wil Capel St Mary Samford Samford Carlton Blything Hoxne Carlton Colville Mut Mut Cavendish Sudbury Bab Cavenham Mildenhall Lac Charsfield Woodbridge Loe Chattisham Samford Samford Chedburgh Thingoe Risbridge Chediston Blything Blything Chelesworth Cosford Cosford Chelmondiston Samford Samford Chevington Thingoe Thingoe Chillesford Plomsgate Plomsgate Chilton Sudbury Bab Clare Risbridge Risbridge Claydon Bosmere Bosmere Clopton Woodbridge Car Cockfield Cosford Bab Coddenham Bosmere Bosmere Combs Stow Stow Coney Weston Thetford Blk Cookley Blything Blything Copdock Samford Samford Cornard Gt Sudbury Bab Cornard Lt Sudbury Bab Corton Mut Mut Cotton Hartismere Hartismere Coverhithe or North Hales Blything Blything Cove North Wangford Wangford Cove South Blything Blything Cowlinge Risbridge Risbridge Cransford Plomsgate Plomsgate Cratfield Blything Blything Creeting All Saints Bosmere Bosmere Creeting St Mary Bosmere Bosmere Creeting St Olave Bosmere Bosmere Creeting St Peter Stow Stow Cretingham Plomsgate Loe Crowfield Bosmere Bosmere Culford Thingoe Blk Culpho Woodbridge Car Dalham New Risbridge Dallinghoo Woodbridge Wil Darmesden - see Barking Darsham Blything Blything Debach Woodbridge Wil Debenham Bosmere Thr Denham Hoxne Hoxne Denham Thingoe Risbridge Dennington Hoxne Hoxne Denston or Denerdiston Risbridge Risbridge Depden Thingoe Risbridge Drinkstone Stow The Dunwich Blything Blything Earl-Soham Plomsgate Loe Easton Plomsgate Loe Easton Bavents Blything Blything Edwardstone Cosford Bab Elveden or Elden Mildenhall Lac Ellough Wangford Wangford Elmsett Cosford Cosford Elmswell Stow Blk Eriswell Mildenhall Lac Erwarton Samford Samford Euston Thetford Blk Exning New Lac Eye Hartismere Hartismere Eyke Plomsgate Loe Fakenham Gt Thetford Blt Fakenham Lt with Euston Woodbridge Col Farnham Plomsgate Plomsgate Farnham All Saints Thingoe Thingoe Farnham St Genevieve Thingoe Thingoe Farnham St Martin Thingoe Thingoe Felixstow Woodbridge Clo Felsham Stow The Finborough Gt. Stow Stow Finborough Lt. Stow Stow Finningham Hartismere Hartismere Flempton Thingoe Thingoe Flixton Wangford Wangford Flixton no church Mut Mut Flowton Bosmere Bosmere Foxhall Woodbridge Car Framlingham Plomsgate Loe Framsden Bosmere Thr Freckenham Mildenhall Lac Fressingfield Hoxne Hoxne Freston Samford Samford Friston Plomsgate Plomsgate Fritton Mut Mut Frostenden Blything Blything Gazely New Risbridge Gedding Stow The Gipping Stow Stow Gisleham Mut Mut Gislingham Hartismere Hartismere Glemham Gt Plomsgate Plomsgate Glemham Lt Plomsgate Plomsgate Glemesford Sudbury Bab Gorleston Mut Mut Gosbeck Bosmere Bosmere Groton Cosford Bab Grundisburgh Woodbridge Car Gunton Mut Mut Hacheston Plomsgate Loe Hadleigh Cosford Cosford Hales North see Coverhithe Blything Blything Halesworth Blything Blything Hargrave Thingoe Thingoe Harkstead Samford Samford Harleston Stow Stow Hartest Sudbury Bab Hasketon Woodbridge Car Hazelwood, no church in Aldeburgh Plomsgate Plomsgate Haughley Stow Stow Haverhill part in Essex Risbridge Risbridge Hawkedon Sudbury Risbridge Hawstead Thingoe Thingoe Helmingham Bosmere Bosmere Hemingstone Bosmere Bosmere Hemley Woodbridge Col Hengrave Thingoe Thingoe Henham part of Wangford Parish Blything Blything Henley Bosmere Bosmere Henstead Blything Blything Hepworth Thetford Blk Herringfleet Mut Mut Herringswell Mildenhall Lac Hessett Stow The Hevingham Blything Blything Higham Samford Samford Hinderclay Stow Blk Hintlesham Samford Samford Hitcham Cosford Cosford Holbrook Samford Samford Hollesley Woodbridge Wil Holton Blything Blything Holton St Mary Samford Samford Homersfield Wangford Wangford Honington Thetford Blk Hoo Plomsgate Loe Hopton Mut Mut Hopton Thetford Blk Horham Hoxne Hoxne Horningsheath or Horinger Thingoe Thingoe Hoxnene Hoxne Hoxne Hundon Risbridge Risbridge Hunston Stow Blk Huntingfield Blything Blything Icklingham All Saints Mildenhall Lac Icklingham St James Mildenhall Lac Ickworth Thingoe Thingoe Iken Plomsgate Plomsgate Iketshall St Andrew Wangford Wangford Iketshall St John Wangford Wangford Iketshall St Lawrence Wangford Wangford Iketshall St Margaret Wangford Wangford Ingham Tho Blk Ipswich St Clement Ipswich Ipswich Ipswich St Helen Ipswich Ipswich Ipswich St Lawrence Ipswich Ipswich Ipswich St Margaret Ipswich Ipswich Ipswich St Mary at Elms Ipswich Ipswich Ipswich St Mary at Quay Ipswich Ipswich Ipswich St Mary at Stoke Ipswich Ipswich Ipswich St Mary at Tower Ipswich Ipswich Ipswich St Matthew Ipswich Ipswich Ipswich St Nicholas Ipswich Ipswich Ipswich St Peter Ipswich Ipswich Ipswich St Stephen Ipswich Ipswich Ixworth Thingoe Blk Ixworth Thorpe Thingoe Blk Kedington or Ketton Risbridge Risbridge Kelsale Blything Hoxne Kentford Mildenhall Risbridge Kenton Plomsgate Loe Kersey Cosford Cosford Kesgrave Woodbridge Car Kessingland Mut Mut Kettlebaston Cosford Cosford Kettleburgh Plomsgate Loe Kirkley Mut Mut Kirton Woodbridge Col Knettishall Thetford Blk Knodishall Blything Blything Lackford Thingoe Thingoe Lakenheath Mildenhall Lac Langham Stow Blk Lavenham Cosford Bab Lawshall Sudbury Bab Laxfield Hoxne Hoxne Layham Cosford Cosford Leiston Blything Blything Letherington Plomsgate Loe Levington Woodbridge Col Lidgate New Risbridge Lindsey Cosford Cosford Linstead Magna Blything Blything Linstead Parva Blything Blything Livermere Gt Thingoe The Livermere Lt Thingoe Blk Lound Mut Mut Lowestoft Mut Mut Market Weston Thetford Blk Marlesford Plomsgate Loe Martlesham Woodbridge Car Melford Long Sudbury Bab Mellis Hartismere Hartismere Melton Woodbridge Wil Mendham part in Norfolk Hoxne Hoxne Mendlesham Hartismere Hartismere Metfield Hoxne Hoxne Mettingham Wangford Wangford Mickfield Bosmere Bosmere Middleton with Fordley Blything Blything Milden Cosford Bab Mildenhall Mildenhall Lac Monewden Plomsgate Loe Monks Eleigh Cosford Bab Monks Soham Hoxne Hoxne Moulton New Risbridge Mutford Mut Mut Nacton Woodbridge Col Naughton Cosford Cosford Nayland Sudbury Bab Nedging Cosford Cosford Needham Market with Barking Bosmere Bosmere Nettlestead Bosmere Bosmere Newbourn Woodbridge Car Newmarket New Lac Newton Old Stow Stow Newton nr. Sudbury. Sudbury Bab Norton Stow Blk Nowton Thingoe Thingoe Oakley Hartismere Hartismere Occold Hartismere Hartismere Offton Bosmere Bosmere Old Newton - see Newton Onehouse Stow Stow Orford Plomsgate Plomsgate Otley Woodbridge Car Oulton Mut Mut Ousden New Risbridge Pakefield Mut Mut Pakenham Thingoe The Palgrave Hartismere Hartismere Parham Plomsgate Plomsgate Peasenhall Blything Blything Pettaugh Bosmere Thr Petistree Woodbridge Wil Playford Woodbridge Car Polstead Cosford Bab Poslingford Risbridge Risbridge Preston Cosford Bab Purdies Farm part of Nacton Woodbridge Col Ramsholt Woodbridge Wil Rattlesden Stow The Raydon Samford Samford Rede Thingoe Thingoe Redgrave Hartismere Hartismere Redingfield Hartismere Hartismere Redisham Gt Wangford Wangford Redisham Lt in Ringsfield Wangford Wangford Rendam Plomsgate Plomsgate Rendlesham Plomsgate Loe Reydon Blything Blything Rickinghall Inf. Stow Blk Rickinghall Sup. Hartismere Hartismere Ringsfield Wangford Wangford Ringshall Bosmere Bosmere Risby Thingoe Thingoe Rishangles Hartismere Hartismere Rougham Thingoe The Rumburgh Blything Blything Rushbrooke Thingoe The Rushford mostly in Norfolk Thetford Blk Rushmere St Andrew Woodbridge Car Rushmere Mut Mut Santon Downham Thetford Lac Sapiston Thetford Blk Saxham Gt Thingoe Thingoe Saxham Lt Thingoe Thingoe Saxmundham Plomsgate Plomsgate Saxted Hoxne Hoxne Semer Cosford Cosford Shadingfield Wangford Wangford Shelland Stow Stow Shelley Samford Samford Shimpling Sudbury Bab Shipmeadow Wangford Wangford Shotley Samford Samford Shottisham Woodbridge Wil Sibton Blything Blything Snape Plomsgate Plomsgate Somerleyton Mut Mut Somersham Bosmere Bosmere Somerton Sudbury Bab Sotherton Blything Blything Sotterley Wangford Wangford Southelmham All Saints Wangford Wangford Southelmham St Cross Wangford Wangford Southelmham St James Wangford Wangford Southelmham St Margaret Wangford Wangford Southelmham St Michael Wangford Wangford Southelmham St Nicholas Wangford Wangford Southelmham St Peter Wangford Wangford Southolt Hoxne Hoxne Southwold Blything Blything Spexhall Blything Blything Sproughton (part in Ipswich) Samford Samford Stanningfield Thingoe Thr Stansfield Risbridge Risbridge Stanstead Sudbury Bab Stanton All Saints & St John Bapt Thingoe Blk Sternfield Plomsgate Plomsgate Stoke Ash Hartismere Hartismere Stoke by Clare Risbridge Risbridge Stoke by Nayland Sudbury Bab Stonham Aspall Bosmere Bosmere Stonham Earl Bosmere Bosmere Stonham Parva Bosmere Bosmere Stoven Blything Blything Stowlangtoft Stow Blk Stowmarket Stow Stow Stowupland Stow Stow Stow West Thingoe Blk Stradbroke Hoxne Hoxne Stradishall Risbridge Risbridge Stratford St Andrew Plomsgate Plomsgate Stratford St Mary Samford Samford Stratton Hall in Levington Stuston Hartismere Hartismere Stutton Samford Samford Sudburybourne Plomsgate Plomsgate Sudburybury All Saints Sudbury Bab Sudburybury St Gregory Sudbury Bab Sudburybury St Peter Sudbury Bab Sutton Woodbridge Wil Swefling Plomsgate Plomsgate Swilland Bosmere Bosmere Syleham Hoxne Hoxne Tannington Hoxne Hoxne Tattingstone Samford Samford Theberton Blything Blything Thelnetham Thetford Blk Thetford part Thetford Lac Thorington Blything Blything Thorndon Hartismere Hartismere Thorndon Magma Hartismere Hartismere Thorndon Parva Hartismere Hartismere Thorpe Morieux Cosford Cosford Thrandeston Hartismere Hartismere Thurlow Gt Risbridge Risbridge Thurlow Lt Risbridge Risbridge Thurston Stow The Thwaite Hartismere Hartismere Timworth Thingoe The Tostock Stow The Trimley St Martin Woodbridge Col Trimley St Mary Woodbridge Col Troston Thingoe Blk Tuddenham St Mary Mildenhall Lac Tuddenham Woodbridge Car Tunstall Plomsgate Plomsgate Ubbeston Blything Blything Ufford Woodbridge Wil Uggeshall Blything Blything Walberswick Blything Blything Waldingfield Gt Sudbury Bab Waldingfield Lt Sudbury Bab Waldringfield Woodbridge Car Walpole Blything Blything Walsham le Willows Stow Blk Walton Woodbridge Col Wangford Blything Blything Wangford Mildenhall Lac Wantisden Plomsgate Plomsgate Washbrook Samford Samford Wattisfield Stow Blk Wattisham Cosford Cosford Welnetham Gt Thingoe The Welnetham Lt Thingoe The Wenham Gt Samford Samford Wenham Lt Samford Samford Wenhaston Blything Blything Westerfield Ipswich Ipswich Westhall Blything Blything Westhorpe Hartismere Hartismere Westleton Blything Blything Westley Thingoe Thingoe Weston Wangford Wangford Wetherden Stow Stow Wetheringsett Hartismere Hartismere Weybread Hoxne Hoxne Whatfield Cosford Cosford Whepstead Thingoe Thingoe Wherstead Samford Samford Whitton Ipswich Ipswich Wixoe Risbridge Risbridge Wickhambrook Risbridge Risbridge Wickham Market Plomsgate Wil Wickham Skeith Hartismere Hartismere Wilby Hoxne Hoxne Willingham Wangford Wangford Willisham Bosmere Bosmere Wingfield Hoxne Hoxne Winston Bosmere Bosmere Wissett Blything Blything Wissington or Wiston Sudbury Bab Withersdale Hoxne Hoxne Withersfield Risbridge Risbridge Witnesham Woodbridge Car Woodbridge Woodbridge Loe Woolpit Stow The Woolverstone Samford Samford Wordwell Thingoe Blk Worlingham Wangford Wangford Worlington Mildenhall Lac Worlingworth Hoxne Hoxne Wortham Hartismere Hartismere Wratting Gt Risbridge Risbridge Wratting Lt Risbridge Risbridge Wrentham Blything Blything Wyverstone Hartismere Hartismere Yaxley Hartismere Hartismere Yoxford Blything Blything
The following paragraphs are taken from William
White's General History and Description of the County of Suffolk, written about 1843. Suffolk, one of the most eastern counties of England, comprises an area of 1515 square statute miles, or about 969,600 acres of land, watered by many navigable rivers and small streams, and possessing all varieties of soil from a light steril sand to a rich loam. It is of an irregular figure extending only about 56 miles in a direct line from east to west, and 32 from north to south; though its eastern side occupies about 50 miles of sea coast, sweeping in a curved line from the estuary of the Orwell and Stour, near Harwich, northward to Yarmouth, where it terminates in a narrow apex; from whence a line drawn across the county, in a south-westerly direction to Haverhill, at its south-western angle, is more than 70 miles in length. Lowestoft is the most easterly point of England. Suffolk increased its population from 210,431 in 1801 to 315,073 in 1841; compared with the other counties in England it ranked as the eighth in agricultural and fifteenth in total population.