LEGO Spaceship Models


SPACE CRUISER (in progress)

4862 pieces+
Created: 1/26/2004

Space Cruiser: L3P - POVRAY3.5 Rendering

The Space Cruiser is almost as big as the Super Capital Ship, but of different design. It has two large spherical engine pods near the front and two smaller pods in the rear. There are also two large cargo hatches in the upper aft section. If you look closely, you might see a big cargo container, which also has a hatch.

This model was started on 1/26/2004 and was built in MLCAD3.0 over the next 14 days. The shape is based on a type of mollusk called a nudibranch (sort of like a sea slug).

Space Cruiser views


  rev: 2003-11-12

© by Colin L. Miller. All rights reserved.  


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