about me
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Born on the birth day of William Shakespeare. With this similar analytical and detective skills.

Well I was born on just a day before great cricket all-rounder Sachin Tendulkar. But I have no interest in the cricket. Well for that matters I am not much into team games.

I love dangerous games like Sky diving, Skiing, Bunji Jumping, White waters Rafting, Rock climbing, Rappelling, Valley crossing, etc..etc.

Surprisingly I am artist by mind and creative in nature. Sketching, Sculpting, metal and clay molding, etc are just few examples of creativities.

I love traveling and photography. Till date I have traveled 23 countries, 25 states in US (but just 5 states in India). I like to find nature?s beauty in the places which are not exposed to most people.
While world is

arguing about the 2

sides of the coin,

you should take a

look at the 3rd side

... Mahesh Koli
Catch me if you can
my info:
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