Welcome to Chrissy's Homepage

Hi, I'm Chrissy and this is my webpage. I am a Junior at Winona High School. I'm 16 (almost 17) years old, I have my license and now I have a car, and I like reading, listening to music, making things, chatting on the internet and doing webpage stuff. I live in Coila, Mississippi...a small small town near Jackson. I have an incredible story that I would like for everyone to know, so if you wanna read it go here. I have two dogs, Puddin and Mootsie and they are peek-a-poo's. That means they are pekingese and poodle mixed all into one. They are quite cute, I will have a pic of them up here soon, so don't worry :). I have some of the best friends on the net that a person could ever have, I'm finally deciding to recognize them so if you wanna read a little about all my friends go here. If you're my friend (or a friend of a friend on here) e-mail me your info and stuff and I'll put you on here! Oh, I have ICQ, so if I don't reply to anyone's emails, just page me, my number is 7593099 (I'm always on there) BUT if you can't catch me there I'm always on mIRC, the undernet server, as Chrissy16. Well that's all for now, but keep coming back! Love in Christ, Chrissy

Chrissy's Links
The Beanie Babies Page (an awesome spot)
The Icers (a really awesome group, and their cool webpage!)
Tracey's (Kitten) page. She helped me with my page so I thought I'd add a link to hers!
Home of the Shriner's Burns Institute's Patients

My other website!

"You're so stupid that one day a man said he was giving out brains, you thought he said trains, and you said "I'll take the next one" hahaha :o)

My thanks go....EvErYoNe!

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