New House - May 99 - Excavating

In May we bought a few accessories for the tractor.
This is the new rake with a drop down blade.
beer holder
This is the beer holder.
The electrical starts at this pole behind the existing house.
The pole has three-phase, 4.2 kVa. A transformer on
the pole will convert it to two-phase, 7.8 kVa.
Note the covenient facilities for the workmen.
middle meadow
The trench crosses the middle meadow.
ledge in the hedge row
The hedge row between the middle meadow and
the high meadow was basically a ledge row.
As Wayne Underwood dug through the ledge
leading up to the house site in the high meadow,
he opened up a spring and water ran into the trench.
high meadow
The trench crosses the high meadow.
After the trench was dug, the cellar was started.
Wayne excavating
Wayne dug.
Rick bulldozing
Rick ran the dozer.

The hole was rather rocky.

Make that VERY rocky. ==>

lots of rocks
big rocks
Make that so rocky that Rick got
to ride a jackhammer for four days.
Jackhammer and excavator
The 500 lb jackhammer was mounted on a
skid steer, essentially a bobcat on steroids.
new road
Much of the shale coming out of the hole was
used to upgrade the road between the two meadows.
wine cellar
It will all be worthwhile when the wine cellar is stocked
and enclosed in its retaining wall made from the boulders.

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Last updated 3 Oct 99