#!/usr/bin/perl use Time::Local; use File::stat; # Linux IPTables DShield Client. V 0.0.1 # # This script will extract relevant lines from the log file and # send them to 'reports@dshield.org'. # # IMPORTANT: CHANGE THE '$filter' below with a marker that can # be found in all log lines you would like to submit. # e.g.: IN=eth0 or something like that. # you don't need this if you write your firewall logs # to a separate file. # # It should run from cron regularly to look for new entries. See # 'parameters' for more details. # # Important: Linux syslog files do not keep track of the year. # remember to rotate your logs at the end of the year. # $EXT_IP=`/sbin/ifconfig | head -2 | grep 'inet addr' | awk '{print \$2}' | sed -e 's/.*://'`; #print "external IP =($EXT_IP)\n"; chomp $EXT_IP; #print "external IP =($EXT_IP)\n"; #exit; #print "before setting filter\n"; $filter="IN=eth0"; # replace with pattern that occurs in all iptables lines $logfile="/var/log/messages"; # location of log file. #print "filter = $filter\n"; #print "logfile = $logfile\n"; # # Parameters: # $userid="86579302"; # replace with your userid if you have one. #$email='root@localhost'; # replace with your e-mail address. $email='lchialing@yahoo.com'; # replace with your e-mail address. $to='reports@dshield.org'; # send log to this address. Change for testing. #$cc_flag=TRUE; $cc_flag=0; $tz="-05:00"; # setup your time zone here. Use offset from # GMT. E.g: +01:00 for Central Europe, # -05:00 for Easter US. # Subject line. No need to change $subject="FORMAT IPTABLES USERID $userid TZ $tz"; $local_log='/tmp/dshield.log'; # keep a local copy here for revie # # End of parameter. Skip through the section below for local abnomalities. # %months = (Jan=>0, Feb=>1, Mar=>2, Apr=>3, May=>4, Jun=>5, Jul=>6, Aug=>7, Sep=>8, Oct=>9, Nov=>10, Dec=>11); $state="/var/tmp/dshield"; # file that is used to store timestamp of log file. $rolllogfile="/var/log/messages.1"; # location of last log file. # # Nothing should need changing beyond this point. # # setup a halfway safe /tmp file srand(time); $tmp="/tmp/dshield".$$.rand(1000); $tmp2="/tmp/dshield_cllee".$$.rand(1000); # # the 'state' file contains the timestamp # of the log file the last time the script ran. # $last_date=0; if ( -e $state ) { $last_date = `cat $state`; } # # get the current mod date of the logfile # if ( -f $logfile ) { $stat=stat($logfile); $curr_date=$stat->ctime; } else { die ("Can't find LogFile $logfile\n"); } # # if current date stamp older than last, # either nothing written or something screwy - abort. # if ($curr_date <= $last_date) { die ("Nothing written to log file since last export. Check if the correct logfile is used ($logfile)\n"); } # # remove stale tmp files. This should never happen, as # the temp file name is generated randomly if (-s $tmp2) { system ("rm $tmp2"); } # # remove stale tmp files. This should never happen, as # the temp file name is generated randomly if (-s $tmp) { system ("rm $tmp"); } # # create empty 600 file.. # make sure it is still empty and 600 after we # created it. system ("touch $tmp; chmod 600 $tmp"); if (-s $tmp) { die "TMP file grew after creation.\n"; } # # create empty 600 file.. # make sure it is still empty and 600 after we # created it. system ("touch $tmp2; chmod 600 $tmp2"); if (-s $tmp2) { die "TMP2 file grew after creation.\n"; } # # check to see if logfile rolled since last run # and parse if so. # $roll_date = 0; $stat=stat($rolllogfile); $roll_date=$stat->ctime; if ($roll_date >= $last_date) { parselog ($rolllogfile, $last_date, $tmp); } # # Parse current log file # parselog ($logfile, $last_date, $tmp); # send the file. Only bother if there is something to # report. if ( -s $tmp) { open (MAIL,"| /usr/sbin/sendmail -t -oi"); print MAIL "To: $to\n"; print MAIL "From: $email\n"; if ($cc_flag) {print MAIL "Cc: $email\n";} print MAIL "Subject: $subject\n\n"; print MAIL `cat $tmp`; close MAIL; if ($local) { open (MAIL,"> $local"); print MAIL "To: $to\n"; print MAIL "From: $email\n"; if ($cc_flag) {print MAIL "Cc: $email\n";} print MAIL "Subject: $subject\n\n"; print MAIL `cat $tmp`; close MAIL; } } # # Parse current log file - filter out NetBios and send to me # parselog_cllee ($logfile, $last_date, $tmp2); # send the file. Only bother if there is something to # report. if ( -s $tmp2) { open (MAIL,"| /usr/sbin/sendmail -t -oi"); print MAIL "To: $email\n"; print MAIL "From: $email\n"; #if ($cc_flag) {print MAIL "Cc: $email\n";} print MAIL "Subject: cllee $subject\n\n"; print MAIL `cat $tmp2`; close MAIL; if ($local) { open (MAIL,"> $local"); print MAIL "To: $email\n"; print MAIL "From: $email\n"; #if ($cc_flag) {print MAIL "Cc: $email\n";} print MAIL "Subject: cllee $subject\n\n"; print MAIL `cat $tmp2`; close MAIL; } } # # cleanup the temp file and write a new state file # system ("rm $tmp"); system ("rm $tmp2"); system ("echo $curr_date > $state"); sub parselog { local($logfile,$last_date,$tmpfile) = @_; (undef,undef,undef,undef,$cur_month,$year,undef) = localtime(time); $cur_month++; @lines = `grep "$filter" $logfile | grep IN=eth0 | grep -v SRC=$EXT_IP | grep -v SRC= | grep -v SRC= | grep -v SRC= | grep -v SPT=80`; open (LOGFILE, "<$logfile"); open (TMPFILE, ">>$tmpfile"); foreach $line (@lines) { $line =~ /(\w{3}) ([ \d]{2}) (\d{2}):(\d{2}):(\d{2}) /; $dateline = timelocal ($5, $4, $3, $2, $months{$1}, ($months{$1}>$cur_month) ? $year-1 : $year ); if ($dateline >= $last_date) { print TMPFILE $line; } } close (TMPFILE); close (LOGFILE); } sub parselog_cllee { local($logfile,$last_date,$tmpfile) = @_; (undef,undef,undef,undef,$cur_month,$year,undef) = localtime(time); $cur_month++; @lines = `grep "$filter" $logfile | grep IN=eth0 | grep 'BAD SRC'`; open (LOGFILE, "<$logfile"); open (TMPFILE, ">>$tmpfile"); foreach $line (@lines) { $line =~ /(\w{3}) ([ \d]{2}) (\d{2}):(\d{2}):(\d{2}) /; $dateline = timelocal ($5, $4, $3, $2, $months{$1}, ($months{$1}>$cur_month) ? $year-1 : $year ); if ($dateline >= $last_date) { print TMPFILE $line; } } close (TMPFILE); close (LOGFILE); }