- Read "Gram's Picture CD Project" by "kristin at re dot org" first.
- Create a, say, kodak directory using "mkdir kodak".
- Create a "PICTURES" directory as instructed, "mkdir kodak/PICTURES".
- Copy all the picture folders to "kodak/PICTURES". Note: (a) make sure each folder has *only* the JPEG files. I made a mistake viewing some using xv and .xvpics were created. That caused my DVD player to skip that folder. (b) There is a limit of 999 pictures. There does not appear to be any limits on folders; I created one with 40 folders.
- Create the ISO9660 file system, "mkisofs -J -o pic.iso kodak"
- Burn the CD, "cdrecord padsize=63s -pad -v -eject pic.iso" as root