1003 yum install system-config-printer 1005 yum install hpijs 1006 system-config-printer 1011 chkconfig --list cups 1012 /etc/init.d/cups start 1015 cd /etc/cups/ 1020 vi cupsd.conf 1021 lsof -i -P -n 1022 /etc/init.d/cups restart 1006 tail -f messages cups/error_log cups/access_log The end of /etc/cups/cupsd.conf should be: < Location /printers/PhotoSmart-C3100> Order Deny,Allow Deny From All Allow From @LOCAL AuthType None </Location> Browsing On BrowseProtocols cups BrowseOrder Deny,Allow BrowseAllow from @LOCAL Listen Listen Add DNS printer to simplify set up of IPP://printer.example.com/printers/PhotoSmart-C3100 yum install hplip hp-levels