Follow the installations on moon first:

   14  /etc/init.d/networking restart
   17  vi /etc/apt/sources.list
   18  apt-get update && apt-get upgrade
   19  apt-get install openssh-server sun-java6-jre sun-java6-plugin sun-java6-fonts gsfonts-x11 flashplugin-nonfree libdvdread3 ntp-server ssh-krb5 libpam-krb5 krb5-user mplayer mozilla-mplayer
   25  vi /etc/ntp.conf 
   26  /usr/share/doc/libdvdread3/ 
   27  update-alternatives --all
   30  cp /media/disk/cllee/mars.rsync/rc.firewall .
   32  cp /media/disk/cllee/mars.rsync/rc.firewall.stop  .
   53  ./rc.firewall
   59  vi /etc/gdm/gdm.conf
   60  vi /etc/ntp.conf 
   61  invoke-rc.d ntp restart
   62  ntpq
   70  ntpqc
   74  vi /etc/hosts
   75  vi /etc/hostname 
   76  vi /boot/grub/menu.lst 
   77  vi /etc/ssh/sshd_config 
   78  invoke-rc.d ssh restart
   79  vi /etc/cups/printers.conf
   80  vi /etc/cups/cupsd.conf
   81  invoke-rc.d cupsys restart
   82  lsof -i -n -P
   84  vi /etc/passwd
   85  adduser poh-tin
   86  adduser jing-wei
   87  adduser zhuo-wei
   88  adduser zzzzz
   89  vi /etc/passwd
   90  vi /etc/group
   91  cd /home
   99  chown jing-wei.jing-wei jing-wei -R
  100  chown poh-tin.poh-tin poh-tin -R
  101  chown zzzzz.zzzzz zzzzz -R
  102  chown zhuo-wei.zhuo-wei zhuo-wei -R
  127  vi /etc/rc.local 
  128  ps ax | grep dhcp

  130  apt-get install bind9
  135  invoke-rc.d bind9 stop
  136  vi /etc/bind/named.conf
  137  cat /etc/bind/named.conf
  138  vi /etc/bind/named.conf.local 
  139  vi /etc/bind/named.conf.options 
  140  cat /etc/resolv.conf
  141  host
  142  host
  143  host
  144  host
  145  host
  146  host
  147  vi /etc/bind/named.conf.options 
  154  cd mars.rsync/
  155  ls
  156  cp 192.168.1 /etc/bind

  165  cd /var/cache
  166  ls
  167  cd named
  168  ls
  169  mkdir named
  170  ls -l named
  171  ls
  172  ls -l
  173  cd named
  174  ls
  175  mkdir chroot
  176  cd chroot
  177  mkdir dev 
  178  mkdir etc
  179  mkdir proc
  180  mkdir var
  181  cd dev
  182  mknod null c 1 3
  183  mknod random c 1 8
  184  mknod zero c 1 4
  185  ls -las
  186  cd ../etc
  187  ls
  188  mkdir bind
  189  chgrp bind bind/
  190  ls
  191  cd bind
  192  ls
  193  rsync /etc/bind/* . -v
  194  ls 
  195  ls -l
  196  cd /etc/bind
  197  ls
  198  ls -l
  199  cd /var/cache/named/chroot/etc/bind/
  200  ls
  201  rsync -av /etc/bind/ . 
  202  ls -las
  203  rsync -av /etc/bind/ . 
  204  cd ..
  205  cd ..
  206  ls
  207  cd proc
  208  ls
  209  cd ..
  210  ls var
  211  cd var
  212  ls
  213  mkdir cache
  214  mkdir run
  215  mkdir tmp
  216  cd cache
  217  ls
  218  mkdir bind
  219  cd bind
  220  ls
  221  cd ..
  222  cd ..
  223  cd run
  224  ls
  225  mkdir bind
  226  chown bind.bind run
  227  chown bind.bind bind/
  228  cd run
  229  cd bind
  230  ls
  231  mkdir run
  232  chown bind.bind run
  233  cd
  234  cd /etc/init.d
       vi  bind9 - change OPTIONS
  235  invoke-rc.d bind9 restart
  236  vi /etc/hosts
  237  host mars
  238  host mars

  242  apt-get install resolvconf
  243  vi /etc/resolvconf/resolv.conf.d/base 
  244  invoke-rc.d bind9 restart

  250  vi /etc/default/cupsys 
  251  vi /etc/cups/cupsd.conf
  252  vi /etc/cups/printers.conf
  253  vi /etc/cups/cupsd.conf
  254  invoke-rc.d cupsys restart
  255  lsof -i -n -P
  256  crontab -e
  257  cd /usr/local/sbin/
  258  ls
  259  cp /media/disk/cllee/mars.rsync/ .
  260  crontab -e
  261  touch /var/log/messages.1
  262  cd
  263  apt-get install postfix
  264  vi /etc/aliases
  265  newaliases
  266  /usr/local/sbin/ 
  267  dmesg
  268  mailq
  269  mailq
  270  vi /etc/mailname
  271  ifconfig
  272  vi /etc/mailname
  273  vi /etc/postfix/
  274  cd /etc/init.d
  275  ls
  276  invoke-rc.d postfix restart
  293  vi /etc/default/ntp
  294  vi /etc/default/bind9
  295  vi /etc/default/cupsys 
  296  vi /etc/default/dhcp3-server 
  297  vi /etc/default/ssh 
  298  mail
  299  vi /etc/postfix/ 
  300  vi /etc/postfix/ 
  301  vi /etc/postfix/ 
  302  invoke-rc.d postfix restart
  303  mailq
  304  dmesg
  305  dpkg -l | grep postfix
  306  dpkg -l | grep sendmail
  307  ps ax
  308  vi /etc/hosts
  309  apt-cache search krb5
  310  history
  311  apt-cache search krb5
  312  apt-get install krb5-admin-server
  313  vi /etc/krb5.conf .
  314  vi /etc/krb5.conf 
  315  cd /etc/init.d
  316  invoke-rc.d krb5-admin-server restart
  317  invoke-rc.d krb5-kdc restart
  318  invoke-rc.d krb5-admin-server restart
  319  vi /etc/krb5kdc/kdc.conf 
  320  vi /etc/krb5kdc/kdc.conf 
  321  invoke-rc.d krb5-admin-server restart
  322  invoke-rc.d krb5-admin-server restart
  323  vi /etc/krb5kdc/kdc.conf 
  324  kdb5_util create -s
  325  invoke-rc.d krb5-admin-server start
  326  invoke-rc.d krb5-kdc restart
  327  ps ax
  328  history
  329  kadmin.local
  330  cd
  331  kadmin.local
  332  ls
  333  mv mars.key /etc/krb5.keytab
  334  mv moon.key ~cllee
  335  cd ~cllee
  336  chown cllee.cllee moon.key 
  337  ls -l /etc/krb5.keytab 
  338  apt-cache search adblock
  339  apt-get install mozilla-firefox-adblock adblock-plus

  Set up OpenDNS in named.conf.options

  Set up kopete and xawtv