Beef and Peppers

I love this recipe, I learned how to do it while living in Japan. We used to go out to this Chinese restaurant called Royals (yes, the best Chinese food I ever had was made in Japan!!!) I would always get Beef and Peppers and Dave would get Cashew Chicken, then we'd split it! Another favorite is fried rice which I've adapted the taste to match ours.


1 lb beef top round steak
1 tsp cornstarch
1 tsp salt
1/2 tsp sugar
2 Tbs Soy sauce
2 Tbs dry sherry
2 Tbs vegetable oil
8 sm green peppers or 3-4 large
1 can (4oz) pieces and stems mushrooms (or use fresh)
1 medium onion (optional)

How To

Partially freeze beef; slice very thin across grain into bite sized strips. Mix cornstarch, salt, sugar and blend in soy and sherry and put aside.
Preheat large skillet or wok; add oil. Divide beef into halves and stir fry first half until slightly browned; fry the other half and put aside. Next, stir fry the green peppers, onions and mushrooms until the peppers are tender, adding more oil if needed. Put aside. Stir soy sauce mixture, add to wok and add all the veggies and meat and stir fry together. Serve with rice and any other chinese dish, like a buffet! Enjoy!!

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