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All about MOI~

Age:                36 years old, I think, So therefore I am :)
State:              CT
Country:            USA
Universe:           Cyber
Fav theme:          cusco RULES!!!


I'm originally from Cheshire England, but now I live in the United States, and have done for the last 14 years. I was also living in the Far East for a while, primarily in Singapore, but seem to gravitate back to the US. Singapore is a great country, and I highly recommend everyone at least once in their life get to go to Asia. There are so many things to do there, and once over there, sightseeing to other exotic islands can actually be done quite inexpensivly. e.g Thailand, Bali, Malaysia, Hong Kong, Phuket, etc...


Right now I work in finance, specializing in stock portfolios, primarily in the Private Equities world. My background used to be the television industry, but thats an early "burn-out" career - like Finance isn't!


On the Internet: Surfing, IRC and Web Chattin, and now learning the realm of HTML - Jeez it takes a long time to write code :)
In Real-life: Rollerblading and just having plain good old Fun!!
Favorite Colour: PINK!!! - Can you tell - LOL...I'm kidding!

Click on these links!

#Sail-Away Channel - Under construction still
Infogeek's Home Page - For fixin all your puter problems!
MicroSoft NBC's Home Page - Check it out - I work there!
MicroSoft's Home Page - For all Windows 95 updates!
RoChess - This is a good one -for all ya pc supplies!
My Home Town Web Page - Liverpool, England!!
And another one by Ron - for ALL your answers!
Tucows Site - Great site for all ya sharewarez needs!
Stroud's Site - Another great site for more warez!
Stevie Wray's mIRC tricks and ideas - and a kewl site too!
Netscapes own tips on how to write script!

Send me a message (I Dare You!)

What is your email address - I may respond :)

Enter your message below - just dont write a NOVEL.(joke)

Below, you are visitor # in GREEN - Wow I finally broke the 3000 mark since inception in January 1997!

The HTML and JavaScript on this page is done by Annie © 1997
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