Welcome to KENORB'S home page


Through the eyes of Kenorb.... Won't you join me in a journey through some of the most beautiful countries on earth.

Just who is Kenorb?

You may be wondering just who is Kenorb? Please let me introduce myself. I am an American male living in Salem Oregon, USA. I thought I had the best job in the world. I didn't say the best paying job in the world, just the best job in the world. I was a teacher. I loved what I did and was one of only a few people that I know who loved to get up and go to work in the morning. Then something better came along.... I RETIRED!!! Well Let's just say that working isn't all that it is cracked up to be.
I have been to most corners of the globe. An have met some of the nicest people imaginable. I would like to take you on a tour of some of the places that I have been to and let you see some of the sights that I have seem. We will start off by visiting Thailand. when you finish surfing there we will go to Hungry and The Chec Republic

There is lots more to come. Please drop by here now and again and see if I have gotten around to working on this.Well, I finally made the change to a new location and I hope the troubles will have been worth it. I guess in the weeks to come we will find out. Won't we? Till then.

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