Webwinds by Tracy Marks

moved to  http://www.webwinds.com in 1999.

The links and references on this geocities.com page
Webwinds  may not work, as many link to pages that no longer exist.

Please go to Webwinds
at Webwinds.com for the current page, and update your links, bookmarks and favorites if you are bookmarking this page. Thank you!

Tracy Marks, M.A., Arlington, Massachusetts
Windweaver Web, Windows, Internet and Photoshop Training

And Don't Miss All These Sites
by Tracy Marks

Tracy Marks' Greek Mythology articles from Ancient Sites
including articles pertaining to the Iliad, the Odyssey, Ovid's Metamorphoses.

Featuring articles on Greek gods, goddesses and heroes such as Hephaestus, Medusa, Calypso, The Muses, and such topics as Greek Mythology in the Movies, Ancient Greece and Troy Maps, The Four Elements.

Feature articles on famous people of the past and present including: Princess Diana and the Myth of Artemis, Makeda, The Queen of Sheba, Christina, Queen of Sweden, Artemisia, the Artist, Viktor Frankl.

Other mini-sites with hundreds of photographs, recommended ecards, webcameras etc.:
Tracy's Webwinds Figure Skating Photo Gallery

Recommended Ecard Sites
Webwinds Recommended Webcam Sites

Windweaver Computer Training,
with Windows, Internet and Photoshop Training Resources including:

Windows Tips

Windows Manual
How to Search the Internet
Search Pages: The Best Sites on the Net
Reviews of Search Tools
Computer and Internet Training articles

Welcome to WebWinds

flying womanweb
wave          Enter the Web



 Welcome to the personal Web pages
Tracy Marks, of Windweaver, Arlington,
Massachusetts, and to her illustrated
of the best web cameras, Webcards, and
Webwinds Figure Skating Photo Gallery!

    Wild Surf, copyright 1991 by Tracy Marks


 See sunset over San Francisco's Bay Bridge, the Rocky Mountains,
 the Jerusalem Wailing Wall,  Mt. Fuji today,  downtown Singapore, 
the Australian surf,  and an Antarctica research station.  NOW available: 
Asia, Australia, Africa      U.S. West and Central    California, Hawaii
Featured Webcam collections: The Best      
In process:   Eastern U.S.
       Europe        Special Interest

 The best free electronic card sites on the Net: 15 illustrated pages up!
 Card Home    Art    Literary    Humor    Children     Animals
 Earth Science      Nature and Travel     World Culture    
 Vintage     Unique Cards     Electronic Card Centers


Other Web pages and web sites by Tracy Marks:
NEW! National, International and Alternative News Links

Webwinds Figure Skating Photo Gallery
800+ Live Photos of Ice Skating's Best!
       Nationals 2001 Skating Photos!
Also at Ebay   (sports, memorabilia, user Torreyphilemon)
Windweaver Web and Windows Resources        Internet Class Notes
Internet Training Bookmarks
      Internet Skills Resources

Adobe Photoshop Links      Graphic Artists and Copyright
Webwinds Webcards    
Web Design Training Resources
Psychology Links         Art History      News Links
Tracy's Lair    Nature Photos    Torrey's Thalassa
Viktor Frankl     Diana Tribute     Diana as Artemis         
Daphne Haikus       Maxfield Parrish Gallery     Medusa
Solomon and Sheba    Eve and Adam       Queen Christina of Sweden

Torrey Philemon's Relocated Ancient Sites Athens home

Rediscovering Your Muses      Winter to Spring: Demeter/Persephone
Homer's Odyssey Journal      Calypso's Isle        Hephaestus
Helen's Lament       Oresteia      Elemental: Four Elements
Cleopatra      Trojan War Chats      Roman History Chats     
Tika Yupanqui's A.S. home    Artemisia, Renaissance Artist
Botticelli Links        Titian links       Raphael links
Iroquois  Spirituality     Green Mansions
Becoming Woman: Apache Puberty Ceremonies


Sign the Webwinds GUESTBOOK!
Sign Guestbook      Your comments are appreciated.

PLEASE NOTE: VIEW GUESTBOOK page has been removed because some signers keep adding questionable content.

With 750+ public service pages on the Net and 3000+ links, I can not spare the ten or so hours required per month to validate and correct  links. Any reports of broken links will be greatly appreciated. Also, anyone willing to maintain links here on a regular basis, in exchange for credit, references etc? Email me HERE


Copyright 2003 by Tracy Marks   Windweaver  Arlington, MA.  (781) 641-3371

Webwinds is a sister site to Windweaver Web & Windows Resources  http://www.windweaver.com/

Since April 3, 1997,  you are visitor Counter
Last update June 27, 2004