Senthil Kumaran's Cool Home Page!

"Men may come and go; but, I shall go forever" said Winston Churchill
Today, we seem to go forever on the Information Superhighway ...!
And for the men who come here and go,
From this home of mine on the World Wide Web,
I shall work for making the 'One world', the world of 'Wisdom'!
By learning and making others learn whatever I learnt!
You can Chat with me Online by Clicking Here :
When the Icon below says "Talk to Real Person!"

Or you could leave a message if I am Offline.
Aren't you tired of that blah..blah... browsing all the way?!
Here are some bits and bytes for your mind..
Well, whether you are a Net expert or feel intimidated by www-dot-anything..
the following few lines will take you from the days when surfing meant riding the ocean
to today, when going online is as common as going to the grocery store!
Did you know that the Internet began ...
as a communications system for the Pentagon during the Cold War?!
But Internet grew at a rather slow pace over a period of 14 years..!
If it continued grow at its earlier rate...
Internet would consist of just 250,000 computers rather than 10 million+ of today!
Born in 1972, the E-mail system happen to be the most popular Internet activity..
Amongst its 80 million users, it saw 1.74 trillion pieces of e-mail distributed in 1996!
By the year 2000, about 6.9 trillion e-mail messages are expected to be sent!!
Commercial services today attract web maniacs with all basic services...
and online versions of popular magazines, shopping services, real-time chat rooms, electronic libraries etc..
Whereas here we and me...!
Boy Oh Boy..! You relax... in my cool home page!!
While I do the show for you...!

It's Show Time!

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