Week 2 - March 21-27, 1998

Mar. 21~I didn't feel too bad today. Of course the headache is with me, but I think its going to stay throughtout the treatment. I have been taking Bayer asperin and that seems to help. The appetite comes and goes. Had blurry vision most of the day again. I know its not my eyes, as I just had them checked not long ago and got a new prescription for my glasses. It also seems like I am forgetting more and more. Its little things I can't seem to remember...

SHOT #5~Mar.23~Didn't have too much trouble sleeping for once. I do notice the moodiness and anger seems to be building. I seem to be very grouchy..*bitchy actually* and have no control over it. I'm not so much depressed as I am just in a sour mood. I'm having days when I don't even want to eat..just not hungry. The pain in the lower back has gone, but has been replaced with pain in the upper right side..as if my liver itself hurts. This pain comes and goes and has for years. They say the liver doesn't cause pain, but other Heppers I have talked to have this same 'right side pain' so we know it does hurt. Still have the headache, guess its something I will learn to live with.

Mar. 24~Didn't feel so great today. By evening I was running a temp again and the nausea and diarreha has gotten worse. The headache was a real pounder too. Took a Darvocet about 8 pm. By 10:30 I was sick as a dog. I was hoping the nausea wouldn't hit me but I guess I'm not that lucky! Immediately after 'losing my dinner' the headache seemed to subside. I don't think it was the Darvocet as I had taken one earlier in the day with no effects like that. I guess this is one way to lose weight.
I notice my sinusitis seems to be more pronounced on the day after a shot, but don't really know if that is what makes it worse.

SHOT #6~Mar. 25~The shot went well tonight. Hubby is happy to see the bruising isn't as bad either. Still feeling nausea and the diarreha has not subsided. Can't seem to keep anything in me. I kind of wish I knew what was going to be side effects here. It seems to be different every shot. I assume its just my body trying to get used to the Intron...and the battle going on inside between the Intron and the virus. Sure hope the Intron is winning.

Mar.26~Thankfully the nausea and diarreha have subsided for a bit. Lost 4 more pounds. I felt very achy today, and extremely tired. It seems to really hit me in the afternoons. Just can't get enough sleep. The headache stayed away until early evening. I am trying to make myself eat as I don't seem to have much appetite these days. Even a small salad will do. I've noticed my eyes getting more blurry the past couple of days. Even with my glasses. It seems like a different side effect pops up with every shot. I had my first bloodwork today since starting. We should have the results by early next week. I sure hope the numbers are going down. Won't have another PCR test *viral load* until May I think.

SHOT #7~Mar. 27~The shot seems to be getting easier for Larry to do. He did raise up on the needle a bit as he was injecting the Intron so there is a hard lump just below the insertion site. The nurse had said that would happen. I'm so glad he does this for me as I know I couldn't do it myself, and its one aspect of all this I just don't have to deal with. Don't know what I would do without him. He is much better also, about understanding how I am feeling. I guess he can see how it tires me. He is even dealing, very well I might add, with all my mood swings. Probably better than I am!

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