Amy's essay:(judged best 3rd-5th grade
essay, Cromie Elementary School)
Public schools give students a
chance to open their minds, use
their imaginations, express their
opinions, and make creative
decisions. Teachers have
different strategies for reaching
students who have different
ways of learning. The teachers
inspire students to want to
learn. Teachers encourage
thinkers to dream, and dreamers
to think.
Dale's essay: (judged best 6th grade essay,
Carleton Middle School)
Teaching children to think and
dream means to present a colorful
picture to a child's mind and to
encourage that mind to dream and
create. Public education is more
than learning. It inspires thinking
and dreaming for a lifetime.
Nov. 19 update! Amy's essay also won District-wide for 3rd-5th grade! She was presented with a $50 savings bond at the school board meeting and read her essay to the Board and audience.