Maps & Charts
While it's difficult to visualize names of places you've never seen or heard of, we'd like to attempt to make it more meaningful as it relates to our journey. Make sure you click on the small picture to display the larger one.
Florida to the Bahamas
This is a picture of a chart of Florida and the Bahamas. The red dots roughly represent islands we've visited. This image was taken by fellow cruiser Loren on Feng Shui with his high resolution digital camera.
General Bahamas Maps
These are more attempts to capture pictures of Bahamas maps. They were taken by fellow cruiser Al on Calypso Poet with his high resolution digital camera.
Our Cruising Grounds in Bahamas
This is a very crude drawing of the places we visited in the Bahamas including more detail of the Exuma Cays that we've mentioned. This image was drawn by Joyce and is not to scale, but intended to help get a frame of reference!
This is drawing of Eleuthera. This image was also drawn by Joyce and is not to scale, but intended to help get a frame of reference of the places we've visited!
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