Hello! Thanks for visiting my web page! Currently, I am a "recovering secretary". After being chained to a desk for nine plus years, I quit my job at McDonnell Douglas (Boeing, Dauchau, Auschwitz, etc.).
In the coming year I plan to continue pursuing my Associate of Science degree in Horticulture. I am currently a student at St. Louis Community College at Meramec in Kirkwood, Missouri. My classes this semester include Chemistry and Plant Propagation (where I received my first horticulturally-inflicted wound...). This summer I will be taking a Field Botany class. And in the fall, I'm taking Soils and Hardy Ornamentals I.
Currently, I'm working with other Meramec students and Master Gardeners from the Missouri Botanical Gardens on the largest seed trial gardens in Missouri. We are testing various plants for appearance, taste, pest resistance, hardiness, etc. The food we grow will be donated to feed the hungry. I'm responsible for growing and tending to Basil cv. Spicy Globe (smells wonderful!), Tomato cv. Viva Italia, Geranium cv. Fleuriste and Balsam cv. Sugar Candy. Updates on their progess later in the growing season.
Patsy Stone and Edina Monsoon...my mentors, sweetie darling. If you've never seen 'Absolutely Fabulous' check it out! |