Oh, London! Jasmines London Pages

 Da History of London

 London Travel Guide
 Hotels & Hostels
 Bed and Breakfast
 London Museums
 London for free
 Family Time
 General Info & Links

Your Saying
 Public's Experience

British Monarchy
 British Monarchy
 Royal Photo Album
 God Save Da Queen
 Royal Links

UK Election '97
 General Election 1997 - WWW Links

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London is a wonderful place to be, whether you're here for the first time or returning again. There are many treasures to discover - quaint architecture, crooked alleyways, a plaque on a wall, old markets, fish and chips, hospitable people, the greenness of a garden or park, the view from a red bus - besides all the renowned sights for which the capital is famous. Indeed, there's something for everyone.

In this guide, I hope to give you a taste of some of the top attractions - and a few of the less obvious ones. But if there's anything more I should include to enhance your trip, please let me know.

In the meantime, enjoy your stay in London!

    I would like to thank all of you who sent me such wonderful
    reviews. I'm very pleased to hear that my web site serves you
    like it should, and that your time spent here is very pleasant.
    Keep those E mails coming, eh?

    *Coming soon, everyone's hobby - Shopping!
    *Added Family Time with intormation about how to have fun
       with your children while in London.
       And also, information on how you can have a good time alone.
    *Travel Guide updated with infornation about London Walks.
    *London Museums added.
    *New service available from LONDON TOWN. The Public's    Experience, for you to hear what other people have to say.
       Post YOUR experience here.

Honoring our Heroic Men

Your Saying

[ Maintained by: Jasmine Mann | Last modified: November 4, 1998 ]

    Disclaimer: Content Copyright © 1998, All graphics and HTML by Jasmine Mann, except the Monarchy's main title. Please email the webmaster should you have cause for concern over anything that is included in this site. Thanks to Geocities for providing the free webspace. Cheers