Crystal Reading

Take three cleansing breaths as you concentrate on the question. Center yourself and ask your Spirit Guides to listeen. There are 22 stones used in this readings, each one pertaining to a specific meaning and/or purpose. Hold the bag of crystals in both hands at your heart center and ask your question out loud, then reach into the bag and withdraw 3 stones, one at a time.

The First Stone: What is the purpose of the question?

The Second Stone: What is the true obstacle or weakness?

The Third Stone: What is the best course of action to take?

If necessary, up to four more crystals are drawn to find additional information. Crystals are very useful in devining because they augment and magnify a reader's clairvoyant powers. Hold the crystal and draw upon its meaning and its energy.

Here is a list of the 22 stones to use and their corresponding meanings:

Clear Quartz Crystal: The situation has pure potential; step out on faith.

Carnelian: Inspiration will come. Whatever is needed will be provided.

Amethyst: A higher power will guide you but you must look within yourself.

Jade: There is a rich and bountiful harvest to come. Hold on; growth will manifest itself.

Turquoise: You must be assertive, and rule over the situation. This is not a time to be timid.

Lapis Lazuli: Stick to the tried and true, to what you know. The straight path is the one to take.

Rose Quartz: Don't be afraid to give of yourself. Look toward the higher good, for yourself and others.

Rutilated Quartz: A challenge is coming, but you will have the stamina to be victorious.

Malachite: Don't hide your talents and strengths. Let you light shine!

Desert Rose: Be an observer. Be patient, events will unfold in due time.

Cat's Eye: Take courage; positive change is coming. Fate is on your side.

Banded Agate: Don't let the internal judge and jury rule your life's decisions. It is time to let go.

Bloodstone: It is time to sacrifice your own desires, OR perhaps you need to stop making sacrifices.

Obsidian: Get rid of what is holding you back. Let the old things die and embrace the new.

Blue Lace Agate: Be tolerant of others, but do so with caution not sacrificing your own beliefs.

Red Jasper: You may be indulging too much in life's pleasures. Do you REALLY have control?

Leopardskin Jasper: Now is time to make the change, or the universe will do it for you!

Citrine: Your thoughts and words are creating the world around you. What are you manifesting?

Moonstone: Listen carefully to your own body, and to your inner voice.

Amber: The fulfillment of wishes and dreams will be yours!

Celestite: The truth will be revealed. An epiphany is coming to you or others.

Aquamarine: You have faced both light and darkness in your life and you have the wisdom to overcome.