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Sailing the Atlantic, Cruising the Caribbean



By Phaon Reid

Avalon off Tobago

Avalon off Tobago - Click for Larger Picture

Last Updated 7 December 1998

In the summer of 1995, after some years of planning and preparation, my friend Sarah and I gave up our jobs in the City of London to take a year off and sail across the Atlantic to the Caribbean. The original plan was to do the standard "Atlantic Circuit" and sail the boat back to England the following year. But when we were there, we liked it so much that we decided to leave the boat there, go home to earn some more money, then come back and carry on. This we did, returning last February for Trinidad Carnival.

The intention then was to work for six months each year in the UK (during the summer) and then sail for six months in the Caribbean. This, broadly, is what I have been doing since then. For brief information on the most recent trip (December 97 to May 98), see that section.

On these web pages I'll be telling how we prepared the boat for the trip, and the story of our journey. We hope it will help and encourage others who are thinking of doing the same sort of thing.

This web site is still incomplete, but when I can I'll be adding pages until I've built up the whole story - or at least as much as I can remember. I should also be adding some more pictures as time goes on. Unfortunately, my scanner isn't very good so I apologise in advance for the quality.

Do feel free to email me with any feedback. You can email me on my hotmail address. At the time of writing I'm back in Europe, so I should be able to pick up mail regularly. Please note that all material on this site is Copyright © Phaon Reid 1997-2000. However, you are free to link to this site from other sailing-related web sites. If you happen to be a wealthy publisher, and would like to pay me loads of dosh to print this stuff on good old fashioned paper, then do get in touch....

Preparing for the Voyage

The Voyage

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