I was born on June 6, 1971, in Boston, Masachusets. I had your typical childhood and went through all the usual milestones up to and including four years spent atBridgewater State College. It was after graduation that things started veering from the mold. I took a job teacing on the island of Guam. So I spent three wonderful years there teaching, traveling, hiking, and scuba diving. I've been back in Boston for just about a year and half, now. Unfortunatly due to the glut of universities here in the Northeast, teaching jobs are few and far between. And when they do come up there are a thousand applicants for the job. But I digress... So I am here working as a building substitute in a school in Boston. I am grateful for the job I have, because I work everyday in just one school. (A better fate than most subs.)
And now I have next year to look forward to when I will be taking off to teach in Venezuela....