Pete the Nomad


For Sale



What’s Pete up to
these days?


"The Bolt-hole"
Vancouver Island

Hi, my name is Pete Evans, welcome to my website. I hope you enjoy my pages and if after looking into my life you feel like dropping me an email to petejevans at, please do, and come back soon.

Born in England in 1966, raised on a sailboat in the Caribbean, educated in Canada. I studied electronics then got into computers, culminating in five years based in Prague, setting up computer systems in 28 former eastern bloc countries. Have a look at some of my stories. For more about me, read my colorful past.

Having been brought up on a cruising boat, the rat race and life in the corporate world seemed almost too much to bear. I always harboured a dream of getting back to a life of freedom and adventure. With no handy trust fund I had nothing but my ambition. Finally, in November 1997, after many years of working like crazy, setting up computers systems in all corners of eastern europe, I quit and set out to follow my dreams.

For the next few years years I sailed my own boat around the Caribbean in the winters and spent summers in BC. For the next six years I skippered a 54 foot yacht for seven months of the year - from November to June or so, based in Grenada. It was not like a real job, it was mostly about kiteboarding in nice places. I continued the summers in BC, kiteboarding, paragliding and working on my cabin and land. In 2008 I quit skippering, married my girlfriend Janice, and settled on my land in BC where I am expanding my little domain to provide space and facilities for Janice and her two daughters. Of course, I am not doing it the way most people would....

I apologize for the website being down for so long. It got hacked several times and then I had trouble with the company providing the server space - it was costing me too much money for bad service. I have spent dozens of hours fiddling about with it and just ran out of time and energy for it. I've just started looking at it again so keep an eye on it and send me an email to let me know if you're still interested -

Updated Feb 2009