Welcome to the GOLF ELYSIUM


Club Welcome fellow Jack Nicklaus 4 enthusiasts, this is The Golf Elysium. This site, like many others, has been set up for the pure enjoyment of a hobby, in this instance, playing and designing Jack Nicklaus 4 courses. For those of you not already familiar with the game, it is an Accolade golf simulation game that allows the user to design courses and play on them and other courses made by fellow designers.

Jack Nicklaus 4 is the follow up to the immensely popular game, Jack Nicklaus Signature Edition. The same type of game, it revolutionized, if not began, the golf course designing genre of games.

At The Golf Elysium, I plan to bring you information concerning JN4, as well as pages to download my own personal courses. As time progresses the sight will grow, and in doing so it will provide more information to you.

As the site's creator I would appreciate your individual questions and comments at any time. Please give me time to respond, I am a full-time student and can't afford to recreate every day. Also, I can't accommodate everyone, or really don't want to, so don't be offended if your suggestions don't take shape.

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Thank you for visiting The Golf Elysium.
Please send questions and comments
(c) 1997 B. Durand

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