Raman's 2001
Christmas Wishlist
Click the link to help you make quicker shopping decisions!
- land rover discovery
- hobie catamaran
- panasonic 40" liquid
plasma tv
- Sony
PC9 or Canon Elura or Optura digital
- SAS 8" powered car subwoofer
- samsung
15" or larger silver monitor/tv or good
LCD monitor
- pegboard with pegs and other fasteners
- heavy-duty garage shelves
- lawn mower
- shop-vac
- hand tools
- telescope
- work/semi-casual
button-down shirts
- PC flight
simulator (not combat fighting) joystick/throttle control
- subscription to wired or maxim
- star wars phantom menace dvd
- star wars trilogy dvd
- blue man group dvd
- USB playstation-like joysticks
for mac and pc
- USB microsoft natural
- 2 or 4 black metal speaker stands
- rollerblades
- nike
running sneakers
- gas powered radio control airplane (example)
- flying lessons (discovery
- replacement head for my shaver (norelco
5863 XL)
Don't forget to keep the reciept for everything so I can return it because you're still gonna buy
me the wrong one! some electronic stuff like camcorders and stuff have only
a 14 day return policy so don't buy them until after Dec. 15th just in case.