The Hawaiian Language Web Site
Ke Kahua Pûnâwelewele `Ôlelo Hawai`i

October 18, 2003: Beginning Hawaiian Language Workshop Notes:  2nd Annual  Southern California `Ukulele Festival
The Hawaiian Home Page: Comprehensive Cultural Links - The Hula Pages  
What's new? ~ He aha hou?What's New? What's new? ~ He aha hou?Updated: 10/2003

Aunty D
He mai! Mai! Mai!
He mai e ku`u hoaaloha o ka`ôlelo Hawai`i.
Ua ao kêia `ao`ao `upena nei, ua hiki mai la `oe.
Mai, mai! Eia nô au nei."


The Call to the Hawaiian Language
How This Site Came to Be

Greetings and Invitation to Learn the Language
Kûkahi (Standing Alone) `96, Waikîkî Shell

Keali`i Reichel
haku mele (composer), pû`ukani (vocalist), kumu hula
(hula master), kumu oli (master chanter), kanaka maoli
"Aloha kâkou! Ua lohe au: `O kêia ka makahiki `ôlelo Hawai`i. He ho`omaka maika`i kêlâ, akâ na`e, `a`ale lawa. `O kêia ka wâ `ôlelo Hawai`i, `eâ? No leila, pehea lâ ma hope o kêia makahiki? Pau ka `ôlelo Hawai`i? `A`ole loa. Inâ `a`ale `oe `ôlelo Hawai`i, pehea `oe `ike `ai i ka nani o nâ mele. Pehea `oe `ike `ai i ka loina o kô mâkou kûpuna. `Eâ, no laila, e hele `oukou `ao mai i ka `ôlelo Hawai`i. If you nevah undahstan', ah shucks!"
Keali`i's Songbook
An mp3 sampling of Keali`i's music


E `Ôlelo Kâua I Ka `Ôlelo Hawai`i !
Let's Speak Hawaiian!

"An interminable is one of the oldest living languages of the earth,
as some conjecture, and may well be classed among the best
...the thought to displace it,
or to doom it to oblivion by substituting the English language,
ought not for a moment to be indulged.
Long live the grand old, sonorous, poetical Hawaiian language."

~The Rev. Lorenzo Lyons (Makua Laiana), 1878,
composer of "Hawai`i Aloha", missionary.


Why Learn Hawaiian? 20 Pono Reasons

The reasons to learn and cherish the Hawaiian language are many and varied. Ultimately, the desire... or the need... comes from within.

I received the call to return home, "gift-wrapped in song and chant." Keali`i Reichel was my `ânela (angel, which means "messenger") and my desire to learn Hawaiian was ignited.

Whether your desire burns like a raging fire, glows softly, or just barely smolders, it is enough to get you started here. Perhaps, for you, too, the need will become apparent.

 What's new? ~ He aha hou?
What's New?

What's new on this site will be listed here for the convenience of frequenters.


pua aloalo ~ hibiscus

Hawaiian Language Lessons

These beginner lessons are for the curious, the "local", the visitor, the expatriate, the homesick, the Hawaiian music lover, the hula aficionado, the `ukulele player, the culturally-aware, the unaware, and the-somewhere-in-between...the casual or the serious student. Browse through the Table of Contents ; there's something there for just about everyone ... including, maybe, you.

Frequenters to this site tell us that these are their favorites:

If nothing else, learn the myriad meanings of "
Aloha ."

hula dancer ~ ka mea hula

The Lânai

Come visit! E kipa mai!

On the lânai, you will find journal musings... but only if you care to listen. Here's a sampling:

  • Voice of an Angel tells of a series of synchronistic events, "bread crumbs leading home," which then lead to the creation of this site.
  • Kalapana recalls nostalgic memories of a past Hawai`i, with a hopeful glimpse to the future, with hope that by learning well from the past, a brighter future is possible.
  • A Hawaiian Love Story, a fond retelling.
  • Brahdahs BU & IZ, cherished memories of the forging of unique friendships during the last year of a gentle Hawaiian's life.


These are the cyber-places to return time and time again ... to link up with friends and "talk story", listen to Hawaiian music, brush up on cultural knowledge, look up recipes, gaze dreamily at photographs of wahi pana (celebrated, noted, or legendary places), and read Hawai`i's daily newspapers and magazines. 

gift bundle ~ pû`olo
Hawaiian Language Links

I've searched the web and book-marked these URLs. They are collected here on one page for your convenience and perusal. If you are interested in a real-time class, check Hawaiian Language Classes.

e-card ~ e-pepa

Spread The Aloha Spirit...and learn some Hawaiian too.

Send an Aloha "cybercard" with an `ôlelo no`eau (words of wisdom / proverbs) to someone who lives Aloha; or who you have Aloha for; or those may be in need of some Aloha to brighten their day.


Kôkua mai - Help

Will you help? E kôkua mai ana `oe?

Here's my outstretched hand. Grab onto it and hop on to the Hawaiian Language bandwagon ... together, we will make a positive difference.

Spread the word. Use the words. Sing them. Love them. Make them live.... mau loa (forever).

 e-mail ~ e-leka

E-mail. Your comments and thoughts are welcome, but I must apologize ahead of time.

The volume of e-mail has been quite staggering. While the interest generated by this site is surprising and gratifying, try as I might, I am unable to keep up with replies back to you. This site is maintained during my free time, which is, unfortunately, as limited as yours. Do know that each e-mail is, however, read and much appreciated. Please click here if you have Translation Requests.

 aloha notes ~ nâ leka aloha

Aloha Notes

An unexpected joy of this experience is hearing from you. 

Hawaiians believe that words have power.  And indeed they do. Your expressions of mahalo and aloha serve as powerful incentives to "keep keeping on" with these pages. Your shared experiences inspire me and others who frequent these pages. 

>>  Sign GuestbookView Guestbook
Previous Guestbook Entries

Mahalo iâ `oe no ke kipa `ana mai. E kipa mai hou!
Thank you for visiting. Come and visit again.
Aloha kekahi i kekahi.
Love one another.

Me ke aloha pumehana,
Aunty D / TMC
has graciously given
this site its
Best of the Net Award.

guitar ~ ke kîkâ
Mahalo nui loa no kâu kôkua,
e ku`u hoaaloha, Yoda

Mahalo to Suite 101 and Tony Kwak for this award.

  © 1997- 2003. Created and maintained by volunteers with the intention of perpetuating the Hawaiian culture, language, and The Aloha Spirit, this is a not-for-profit educational site. Materials on this web site is to be used for personal and educational purposes only. No permission is required to link this site to other sites. Linking to this site to yours is 100% OK! As an ever-evolving work, information on this web site is subject to change without notice. This site honors our kûpuna (elders, ancestors) by providing world-wide access to a now thriving, beautiful language of the spirit that once almost met with certain extinction, this web site is a makana aloha (fig., a gift from the heart); thus, any commercial or exploitative use is strictly kapu (prohibited).

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the hawaiian home page: cultural links 

reasons | what's new | hawaiian language lessons | word lists | lânai | links | language links | help | aloha notesnâ `ânela kelekî | pronunciation guide | the aloha spirit | EMERGENCY dog links | the hula pages | hawaiian music lyrics & chords

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