Atlantic Names:

    1996        1997        1998        1999        2000        2001

   Arthur      Ana         Alex        Arlene      Alberto     Allison
   Bertha      Bill        Bonnie      Bret        Beryl       Barry
   Cesar       Claudette   Charley     Cindy       Chris       Chantal
   Dolly       Danny       Danielle    Dennis      Debby       Dean
   Edouard     Erika       Earl        Emily       Ernesto     Erin
   Fran        Fabian      Frances     Floyd       Florence    Felix
   Gustav      Grace       Georges     Gert        Gordon      Gabrielle
   Hortense    Henri       Hermine     Harvey      Helene      Humberto
   Isidore     Isabel      Ivan        Irene       Isaac       Iris
   Josephine   Juan        Jeanne      Jose        Joyce       Jerry
   Kyle        Kate        Karl        Katrina     Keith       Karen
   Lili        Larry       Lisa        Lenny       Leslie      Lorenzo
   Marco       Mindy       Mitch       Maria       Michael     Michelle
   Nana        Nicholas    Nicole      Nate        Nadine      Noel
   Omar        Odette      Otto        Ophelia     Oscar       Olga
   Paloma      Peter       Paula       Philippe    Patty       Pablo
   Rene        Rose        Richard     Rita        Rafael      Rebekah
   Sally       Sam         Shary       Stan        Sandy       Sebastien
   Teddy       Teresa      Tomas       Tammy       Tony        Tanya
   Vicky       Victor      Virginie    Vince       Valerie     Van
   Wilfred     Wanda       Walter      Wilma       William     Wendy

   These lists are re-cycled every 6 years (the 1996 list will be reused
in 2002). Several names have been changed since the lists were last used.
Dolly has replaced Diana, and Kyle has replaced Klaus (1996). Bill has
replaced Bob in 1997, and Alex has replaced Andrew in 1998. Four names from
the 1995 list have been retired. On the 2001 list, Lorenzo has replaced Luis,
Michelle has replaced Marilyn, Olga has replaced Opal, and Rebekah has
replaced Roxanne.

Eastern North Pacific Names:

    1996        1997        1998        1999        2000        2001

   Alma        Andres      Agatha      Adrian      Aletta      Adolph
   Boris       Blanca      Blas        Beatriz     Bud         Barbara
   Cristina    Carlos      Celia       Calvin      Carlotta    Cosme
   Douglas     Dolores     Darby       Dora        Daniel      Dalilia
   Elida       Enrique     Estelle     Eugene      Emilia      Erick
   Fausto      Felicia     Frank       Fernanda    Fabio       Flossie
   Genevieve   Guillermo   Georgette   Greg        Gilma       Gil
   Hernan      Hilda       Howard      Hilary      Hector      Henriette
   Iselle      Ignacio     Isis        Irwin       Ileana      Israel
   Julio       Jimena      Javier      Jova        John        Juliette
   Kenna       Kevin       Kay         Kenneth     Kristy      Kiko
   Lowell      Linda       Lester      Lidia       Lane        Lorena
   Marie       Marty       Madeline    Max         Miriam      Manuel
   Norbert     Nora        Newton      Norma       Norman      Narda
   Odile       Olaf        Orlene      Otis        Olivia      Octave
   Polo        Pauline     Paine       Pilar       Paul        Priscilla
   Rachel      Rick        Roslyn      Ramon       Rosa        Raymond
   Simon       Sandra      Seymour     Selma       Sergio      Sonia
   Trudy       Terry       Tina        Todd        Tara        Tico
   Vance       Vivian      Virgil      Veronica    Vicente     Velma
   Winnie      Waldo       Winifred    Wiley       Willa       Wallis
   Xavier      Xina        Xavier      Xina        Xavier      Xina
   Yolanda     York        Yolanda     York        Yolanda     York
   Zeke        Zelda       Zeke        Zelda       Zeke        Zelda

   These lists are also re-cycled every six years (the 1996 list will be 
used again in 2002). Felicia replaces Fefa from 1991. Israel replaces 
Ismael in 2001.

Central North Pacific Names:

   List 1      List 2      List 3      List 4

   Akoni       Aka         Alika       Ana
   Ema         Ekeka       Ele         Ela
   Hana        Hali        Huko        Halola
   Io          Iolana      Ioke        Iune
   Keli        Keoni       Kika        Kimo
   Lala        Li          Lana        Loke
   Moke        Mele        Maka        Malia
   Nele        Nona        Neki        Niala
   Oka         Oliwa       Oleka       Oko
   Peke        Paka        Peni        Pali
   Uleki       Upana       Ulia        Ulika
   Wila        Wene        Wali        Walaka

   The names are used one after the other. When the bottom of one list is
reached, the next name is the top of the next list. Li, Mele, and Nona were
the Central Pacific names used in 1994. Iniki has been replaced by Iolana.

Western North Pacific Names (as of 1996):

   Ann         Abel        Amber       Alex
   Bart        Beth        Bing        Babs
   Cam         Carlo       Cass        Chip
   Dan         Dale        David       Dawn
   Eve         Ernie       Ella        Elvis
   Frankie     Fern        Fritz       Faith
   Gloria      Greg        Ginger      Gil
   Herb        Hannah      Hank        Hilda
   Ian         Isa         Ivan        Iris
   Joy         Jimmy       Joan        Jacob
   Kirk        Kelly       Keith       Kate
   Lisa        Levi        Linda       Leo
   Marty       Marie       Mort        Maggie
   Niki        Nestor      Nichole     Neil
   Orson       Opal        Otto        Olga
   Piper       Peter       Penny       Paul
   Rick        Rosie       Rex         Rachel
   Sally       Scott       Stella      Sam
   Tom         Tina        Todd        Tanya
   Violet      Victor      Vicki       Virgil
   Willie      Winnie      Waldo       Wendy
   Yates       Yule        Yanni       York
   Zane        Zita        Zeb         Zia

   These names are used sequentially. If the last storm of the year is
Linda, the first storm of the next year is Mort. This is a new name list
used by the Joint Typhoon Warning center effective at the start of 1996.

Australian Region Names (as of 1989):

   Western Australian Region:

      Emma       Pedro
      Frank      Rosita
      Gertie     Sam
      Hubert     Tina
      Isobel     Vincent
      Jacob      Walter
      Kirsty     Alex
      Lindsay    Bessi
      Margot     Chris
      Nicholas   Daphne
      Ophelia    Errol
      Pancho     Fifi
      Rhonda     Graham
      Selwyn     Harriet
      Tiffany    Ian
      Victor     Jane
      Alison     Ken
      Billy      Lena
      Connie     Monty
      Damien     Naomi
      Elsie      Oscar
      Frederic   Pearl
      Gwenda     Quenton
      Herbie     Sharon
      Ilona      Tim
      John       Vivienne
      Kirrily    Willy
      Leon       Annette
      Marcia     Bobby
      Ned        Chloe
      Olga       Daryl

   Northern Australian Region:

      Gretel     George
      Hector     Helen
      Irma       Ira
      Jason      Jasmine
      Kay        Kim
      Laurence   Laura
      Marian     Matt
      Neville    Nicola
      Olivia     Oswald
      Phil       Penny
      Rachel     Russell
      Sid        Sandra
      Thelma     Trevor
      Vance      Valerie
      Winsome    Warwick
      Alistair   Amelia
      Bonnie     Bruno
      Craig      Coral
      Debbie     Dominic
      Evan       Esther
      Fay        Ferdinand

   Eastern Australian Region:

      Monica     Agnes
      Nigel      Barry
      Odette     Celeste
      Pierre     Dennis
      Rebecca    Ethel
      Sandy      Fergus
      Tania      Gillian
      Vernon     Harold
      Wendy      Justin
      Alfred     Katrina
      Blanch     Les
      Charlie    May
      Denise     Nathan
      Ernie      Olinda
      Felicity   Pete
      Greg       Rona
      Hilda      Steve
      Ivor       Tessi
      Joy        Vaughan
      Kelvin     Abigail
      Lisa       Bernie
      Mark       Claudia
      Nina       Des
      Oliver     Elinor
      Polly      Fritz
      Roger      Grace
      Sadie      Harvey
      Theodore   Ingrid
      Violet     Jim
      Warren     Kathy

   Each region starts the year with whatever name is next on the list after 
the last cyclone of the previous year. When the end of a colum is reached, 
the next name is the top name of the other colum.

Fiji Region Names:

Ami       Arthur    Atu       Alan      Amos
Beni      Becky     Beti      Bart      Bobby
Cilla     Cliff     Cyril     Cora      Chris
Dovi      Daman     Drena     Dani      Daphne
Eseta     Elisa     Evan      Ella      Eva
Fili      Funa      Freda     Frank     Fanny
Gina      Gene      Gavin     Gita      Garry
Heta      Hettie    Hina      Hali      Helene
Ivy       Innis     Ian       Iris      Irene
Judy      Joni      June      Jo        Julie
Kerry     Kina      Keli      Kim       Ken
Lola      Lin       Lusi      Leo       Louise
Meena     Mick      Martin    Mona      Mike
Nancy     Nisha     Nute      Neil      Nat
Olaf      Oli       Osea      Oma       Odile
Percy     Prema     Pam       Paula     Pat
Rae       Rewa      Ron       Rita      Rene
Sina      Sarah     Susan     Sam       Sheila
Tam       Tomas     Tusi      Trina     Tui
Vaianu    Usha      Ursula    Uka       Ula
Zita      Vania     Veli      Vicky     Victor
          William   Wini      Walter    Wilma
          Yasi      Yali      Yolande   Yalo
          Zaka      Zuman     Zoe       Zena

   Lists A, B, C, and D are used sequentially one after the other. The first
name in any given year is the one immediately following the last name from the
previous year. List E is a list of replacement names if they become necessary.

Papua New Guinea Region Names:


Southwest Indian ocean names (as of 1995):

1996/1997   1997/1998   1998/1999   1999/2000

 Antoinette  Aimay       Alda        Astride
 Bordella    Bibianne    Birenda     Babiola
 Chantelle   Cindy       Chikita     Connie
 Daniella    Donaline    Davina      Damienne
 Elvina      Elsie       Evrina      Eline
 Fabriola    Fiona       Francine    Felicia
 Gretelle    Gemma       Genila      Gloria
 Helinda     Hillary     Helvetia    Hudah
 Iletta      Ireland     Irina       Innocente
 Josie       Judith      Jocyntha    Jonna
 Karlette    Kimmy       Kristina    Kenetha
 Lisette     Lynn        Lina        Lisanne
 Maryse      Monique     Marsia      Maizy
 Nelda       Nicole      Naomie      Nella
 Ocline      Olivette    Orace       Ortensia
 Phyllis     Prisca      Patricia    Priscilla
 Rolina      Renette     Rita        Rebecca
 Sheryl      Sarah       Shirley     Sophia
 Thelma      Tania       Tina        Terrence
 Venyda      Valencia    Veronique   Victorine
 Wiltina     Wanicky     Wilvenia    Wilna
 Yolette     Yandah      Yastride    Yanselma

   These lists are used sequentially, and they are not rotated
every few years as are the Atlantic and Eastern Pacific lists.
This list is maintained by the Seychelles Meteorological Service.

I stole this source from the National Hurricane Center...oh well 1