Hi I'm FROGGGIE!!!!!! :)

Tolerate the mess, my page is still under construction.

Sad, but true! This is going to be another one of those boring homepages that tells you who I am and what I like to do! If you could care less about who I am and what I'm interested in, then you might as well head for the door!

I'm Tammy aka Frogggie!
If you just absolutely insist on seeing me, then click here.

I enjoy traveling very much.....I've been to numerous states along the east coast and I've also been to Germany. I plan on returning to Europe some day soon!

My favorite city by far is Chicago....if you ever go to Chicago, before you go you must visit their web page. All you need to know about Chicago!

Now, more about me........I work as a mortgage loan processor at a bank in Kansas. I also have a second job, and have for about a year and a half now, I work as a musicseller at Borders. It's not as easy working two jobs as it was a year ago, I've cut down to working at Borders only one night a week. I've met a lot of good people there, I've also learned the hard way that I'm either too old or too young to try and party with the Border's staff.

When at play I dabble a little with computers. I'm not Ms Computer Nerd, but I'm also not ignorant. I enjoy Escher, reading thrillers that involve medicine, and I like to listen to Gershwin. I decided that this year I'm going to learn how to paint. I don't seem to have time to take any classes so I'm going to kinda teach myself. I've only done one piece so far, here it is if you'd like to take a peak. I know it's not that great, as a matter of fact, it's not even good. The more I look at it, the more it looks like a two year old painted it, but it was my first piece and I'm proud. If you don't like it then you can kiss my....*grin* Lemme think what else do I do at play.......I enjoy ceramics and I collect elephants and Swarovski Crystal.

Not only is my nickname Frogggie, but I love frogs, I think they are cute, and interesting. I had two green treefrogs, they suffered an unfortunate and untimely death :( If you'd like to see some pics of frogs click here. I currently have a giant day gecko, his name is gex, he's pretty cool, he has these neeto little suction cup feet. I had to change it's name cuz I found out he is now a she and she doesn't like the name gex, so if you have any ideas, please let me know.

On of my most favorite things is isn't he the CUTEST!!! Here's a great link to check out more about
They have a lot of great pics and facts about TIGGER on that page.

I enjoy chatting, mIRC is my main chat program, you can download the mIRC program at this address www.mircx.com. You can look for me on ChatNet /server chatworld.chatnet.org as Frogggie. If you have the program or download the program, stop by chatnet and give me a visit.

Now For A Few Links

Error404's Page Careful, if you are offended easily don't go here. Butthead (aka Error) is another one of my best friends. I love him to pieces. He's an aussie, lives in tomorrow land, and has a wonderful lil misses (Mystie). What else could I say that would keep us both out of trouble ;) *smoooooches* atcha butthead, love yas. *stomps on twubble*

Dimitra This is dimi....I met her on IRC as well. She's great, she gets to do all the major traveling that I don't get to do. She and I have become really good friends over the past few months. Dimi...keep smilin hon :)

Spider's Page Spider's Tattoo Parlor. Spider's a great guy, and he does excellent work. Check out some of his art on his photo page.

Bingo's Page Binog is a very confused man that thinks he's a she. But don't tell we just let her...umm..I mean him believe whatever she....dang...i mean he wants. No seriously, she's cool, and a bit twisted go see what goes on in her mind.

The Vampyr's Lair This is my friend ~silky~.

MommyAnn's Meeting Place MommyAnn seems to play mother to us all in the C*E*A Chat. While you're there, check out her Bed & Breakfast. It has pics of some of us C*E*A addicts

Shades' Scorpion's Lair This would be Shades' page. He's a huggin maching. He always knows how to make you feel better or when to give you a hug when it's needed. Shade's if it's the red one you like, it's the red one it is! *hehehe*

Hippiechick's Haven This is Hippie. I'm very jealous of her most of the time. She gets to do the traveling that I used to get to do. She's cool and I always enjoy a good Hippie travel story.

Lisa's Page This is my friend Lisa. She and I are friends IRL. Lisa used to be a fortunate one that got to be employed with me. Now we just do lunches and the zoo. Check her out, she's got some interesting links on her page. Thanks for everything Lisa, I love ya!

If you want to be linked, please e-mail me and let me know.
I'd be glad to add you.

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last updated on May 14, 2000.
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