How did these get here? ... *L*

Guess what? I found more pictures for the world to see. But, you can only look if you promise not to laugh, okay? *S* I thought I'd get nostalgic on all my visitors and show all of you what I was like in my younger days--shorter! *LMAO*


*L* ... Here I am when I was 4 ... GAWD! Look at those flip-flops! *LMAO*


Can ya tell I grew up in the '80s? *LOL* The pic on the left is of me and my best friend Tina (she's gonna kill me for putting this pic here! *L*). And, on the right, that's what I looked like when I graduated from high school. *S*

This pic is from '93 when my pen pal from England came here to the States to get married. The ceremony was held in the atrium of their hotel and was absolutely beautiful. *BS* Unfortunately, neither of their families were able to make the trip for the ceremony, so Brett and I were the "witnesses" for Dino and Tracey. Tracey and I have been writing back and forth since we were 8 years old and met for the first time in 1991, when Brett and I went to London to meet her. *S*

Here's me and some of my best friends. *BAS* Starting on the left: Brett, me, Angie (Brett's sis), and Raul (Angie's hubby). We drank a tad too much at a friend's wedding back in '94. *BG*

Lil ole me on the back of my baby Searay in 1995. ... Well, ex-Searay. *sniffle* I miss boating! *pouting*

Okay ... here's a more current pic of my best friend, Tina. She'll be much happier now that I've put a current pic of her here. But I won't tell her that I still have that other pic posted. *snicker* Mike, Tina, and I welcomed 1999 by cooking a kick-ass pork 'n' sauerkraut dinner. (Yes, it's a Pennsylvania Dutch thing. *L*)

Just lil ole me with one of the horsies at the ranch where Tina used to work. She had a hard task of tending to these beautiful creatures, but it was so rewarding to be able to give 'em some lovin'. *BS*

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