You Know You're Not in the

U.S. Anymore When . . .

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. . . you ask for an imported beer at a pub and receive a Budweiser
. . . other drivers actually get angry at you when you drive on the right side of the road
. . . cab drivers speak English
. . . you go to see a football game and they play a soccer match instead!
. . . "casual Friday" isn't in the vocabulary
. . . you bring your kids to work and your co-workers look at you as if you've committed a crime.
. . . most parks are only accesible by key
. . . the seats on the subway are cushioned - and clean!
. . . the first thing you're asked at a sandwich shop is "Butter or marg?"
. . . there are no (insert name of your favorite buy-it-all store - Wall-Mart, Target)
. . . you try to buy something after 6pm.
. . . the headline "Chelsea Takes a Beating" does not refer to a Presidential scandal
. . . commercials don't interrupt your favorite TV show every 5 minutes.
. . . you don't HAVE a favorite TV show.
. . . a gallon of milk would never fit in your refrigerator.

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Here are some suggestions from the masses . . .
. . . you can actually taste the difference between beers.
. . . you try to buy a gun.


I bet you can top these. Send us your suggestions.

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