Another Master Necromancer's Tale
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Two-Day Battle . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Five Battle Ragers raided Masters Cabal one day.
Only Zauephuaes and two charmies stood in their way.
Of the five Ragers, there were in Zaue's range three.
They were all high level, and he made them all flee.
Then Zauephuaes, Voire, and Gyrodex
Attacked the Battle Cabal Complex.
They faced six Ragers in range (two apiece)
And from them all did life release.
The battle for all of two days lasted
As the three Masters at six Ragers blasted
(And at the Destructor of Magic, too,
Who stands guard where Magic is taboo).
Against seven they fought, and five times fled
To regenerate before they could grab the Head.
Sondrigon and Smoke each died twice
But no Master died (which they thought was nice).
And all that time, Zauephuaes carried
The Orb of Magic while blows of Ragers he parried.
They won the Head and neutralized their foes.
It's a bad idea to these high-ranked Masters oppose.
[Historic Note: Zauephuaes, Lord of the Grave referred to this song as a song to boost the morale of the Masters, who up to this point had been taking a beating from the BattleRagers. Esarvee was only too glad to post it because it seemed that she had posted so many songs which went against Masters, and as the wife of a Master she felt a need to support the cabal.]
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