Whither Honor?

Where are the men of yesterday
Who fought on the plain
'Gainst odds most insane,
Who guarded bodies of their foes,
Returned equipment and lessened woes?
Weep and wail...

Where's Rager Relon, who loved battle,
Once Avatar
Of great Cador?
He was an assassin honorbound;
Of his like few more can be found.
Weep and wail...

The Knights of Thera once had honor,
Now they're merely "good",
Ridding "bad" from the 'hood.
One once asked me to kill a groupmate
'Cause he was evil. That behavior I hate.
Weep and wail...

Unfair numbers launch their attacks,
Several to one,
Honor they shun.
More important to make the kill,
And loot the body: this gives them a thrill.
Weep and wail...

The faithful husbands and their wives,
Where have they gone?
Hither and yon...
Love and promises mean no more,
A steady marriage is such a bore...
Weep and wail...

Are things material worth a soul?
Besmirched by greed,
Sullied spirits indeed,
Walk the world and spread the flaws:
We can't control this plague with new laws.
Weep and wail...

Was Thera e'er a place of honor
Where most of its folk
Lived under its yoke?
Can it happen here today?
Can honor a larger role in life play?

[Historic Note: This song was not so much commissioned as requested by Jandor the Hero of Death, Esarvee's husband. He was concerned about the lack of honor so many people were displaying, and hoped that a universally posted song would wake some people up to the need for more honor in their daily dealings with others.]

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