Street Fighter Alpha Moves List

"out" means that if you are on the left side of the screen, press left. If you are on the right side of the screen, press right.

To play as M.Bison: Go to the random box and hold L2. Press out, out, down, down, out, down, down. Depending on what color you want, press either square and triangle or circle and X.

To play as Akuma: Go to the random box and hold L2. Press out, out, out, down, down, down. Depending on what color you want, press either square and triangle or circle and X.

To play as Dan: Press and hold L2. Go to the random box and depending on which color you want, press either triangle, square, X, circle, triangle or triangle, circle, X, square, triangle.

To fight against Dan: After you win a match, hold up, L2, and R2 until the winning words appear. Then release. Repeat this for five matches and your sixth match will be against Dan.

Get the Dramatic Battle (Ryu and Ken vs. Bison) to appear in the options screen: Beat the game on 6 stars without changing characters. After you get it, save it so that it remains permanently.

After winning a second round against your opponent, press and hold the following buttons for different winning statements:
Text #1-Down Circle, and X
Text #2-Down, Triangle, and Circle
Text #3-Down, Square, and X
Hold them until you see the text.

Legend = F- forward, DF - Downforward, D - down, DB - downback, B-back, U-up

Fighters' Moves


Overhead Punch - F, F+strong
Spin Kick - F, F+forward
Fireball - D, DF, F+any punch
Hurricane Kick - D. DB, B+any kick
Dragon Punch - F, D, DF+any punch
Super Hurricane Kick - D, DB, B, D, DB, B + (for level 1 - any kick button) (For level 2 - any two kick buttons) (for level three - all three kick buttons)
Super Fireball - D, DF, F, D, DF, F + (for level 1 - any punch button) (for level 2 - any two punch buttons) (for level 3 - all three punch buttons)

Chun Li

Stomp - in air D+Forward
Knee Flip - DF+Roundhouse
Spinning Kick - F, DF, D, DB, B+any Kick
Lightning Kick - press any kick button rapidly
Kikkoken - Charge B, F+any punch
Rising Spin Kick - Charge D, U+any Kick
Super Lightning Kicks - Charge B, F, B, F +(for level 1 - any kick button) (For level 2 - any two kick buttons) (for level three - all three kick buttons)
Super Spinning Air Kick - Charge D, DB, DF, DB, U+ (for level 1 - any kick button) (For level 2 - any two kick buttons) (for level three - all three kick buttons)
Super Kikkoken - D, DF, F, D, DF, F+ (for level 1 - any punch button) (for level 2 - any two punch buttons) (for level 3 - all three punch buttons)


Same as Ryu except:
Ground Roll - D, DB, B + any punch
Air Throw - in air F+Forward/fierce
Vacuum Dragon Punch - F, D, DF, F, D, DF + (for level 1 - any kick button) (For level 2 - any two kick buttons) (for level three - all three kick buttons)
Super Dragon Punch - D, DF, F, D, DF F + (for level 1 - any punch button) (for level 2 -any two punch buttons) (for level 3 - all three punch buttons)


Front Kick - DF + forward
Jaguar Kick - B, D, DB+any kick
Jaguar Tooth - F, DF, D, DB, B+any kick
Jaguar Knee - D, DF, F, UF, U+any kick
Super Dashing Punch - D, DF, F, D, DF, F+ any punch
Super Jaguar Kick - B, D, DB, D, D, DB + any kick


Overhead Elbow - F+ strong
Elbow Drop - In air D+strong
Flip Kick - DF + Roundhouse
Run - D, DF, F+short, any kick
Running Slide - D, DF, F, forward, any kick
Dash Kick - D, DF, F, roundhouse, any kick
Air Suplex - D, DF, F, any punch, any punch
Hurricane Kick - D, DB, B+any kick
Air Throw - in air + strong or fierce
Super Dash Kick - D, DF, F, D, DF, F + any kick
Super Air Punch - D, DF, F, D, DF, F + any kick


Head Butt Rush - Charge B, F+any punch
Turn Around Head Butt - hold down any two punch or kick buttons, then let go.
Chain Slam - F, DF, D, DB, B, UB, U, UF+any punch
Super Chain Slam - D, DF, F, D, DF, F + any kick
Super Head Butt Rush - charge B, F, B, F +any punch


Tengu Walk - B,DB, D+any kick
Jitte Slice - F, D, DF+any punch
Power bomb - 360 + any punch
Carpet bomb - 360 + any kick
Super Jitte Slice - D, DF, F, D, DF, F+any punch
Super Power Bomb - 720 degree circle + any punch


Slide Kick - DF + forward
Soul Spark - B, DB, D, DF, F + any punch
Soul Absorb - D, DB, B+jab
Soul Reflect Horizontally - D, DB, B+strong
Soul Reflect Diagonally up - D, DB, B+fierce
Aura Soul Spark - D, DB, B, D, DB, B+any punch
Aura Soul Throw - D, DF, F, D, DF, F + any punch
Soul Illusion - D, DF, F, D, DF, F + any kick


Low Tiger Shot - D, DF, F+any kick
High Tiger Shot - D, DF, F+ any punch
Tiger Blow - F, D, DF + any punch
Tiger Crush - F, D, DF + any kick
Tiger Genocide - D, DF, F, D, DF, F+ any kick
Super Tiger Shot - D, DF, F, D, DF, F + any punch
Tiger Raid - D, DB, B, D, DB, B + any kick


Jumping Back Kick - F+forward
Stepping Side Kick - F+ roundhouse
Sonic Boom - Charge B, F+any punch
Flash Kick - Charge D, U+any kick
Air Throw - in air F+strong/fierce
Super Kick - Charge B, F, B, F + any kick
Super Sonic Boom - Charge B, F, B, F + any punch
Super Flash Kicks - Charge DB, DF, DB, U+any kick

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Sean Formato at

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