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Hello All

This is me and my family. This is a family photo taken when Devon was just 6 weeks old. This page originally started out as me just playing around with HTML. However, now I have a family and I am going to use this page as a jokes/online photo album Mostly for the Album.

My Family

I am married and have one son and one daughter. My wife is Heather, my son is Devon, and my new daughter is Hailey, and I am Doug. Heather and I got engaged in 1999. A few months later we found out that we got pregnant. So we married in May of 2000 and we had Devon a few months later. Devon was born in September, Hailey was born 1/6/2005 and we have been a happy family ever since.

Heather works at a medical billing agency and I am the Assistant Manager at a photo lab. Devon stays with his Grammy all day and gets to sit and watch cartoons all day while his parents all day. Devon and I get our together time when we play video games together and he gets his Mommy time while coloring. Devon is always very active. Especially when he sees our cat. He loves to play with the Kitty


Updates I will update this as much as possible. Stay tuned for more updates.

I don't have much HTML know how so, or much time to do well on this page so updates may come slow. I will do my best though.


©2003 Douggy's HomePage