Home is where the Heart is.
There are no rules or boundaries here; so the structure
of this website is a little different. Growing up, I tried so hard to be a "good kid" - follow all the rules, etc. As a result, I wasn't "natural" - I did things based on my own set of rules and expectations I thought others had of me. There's nothing wrong with being "good", it's just that as I'm finding myself (through God's grace), I'm starting to follow my heart instead of my rules and expectations (in other words, following God's voice inside my heart instead of the rules & expectations in my mind). Thanks to God, I'm starting to feel more happier and free.
Sharing my experience This is a personal place where I'll be sharing anything that comes to mind on various topics, whatever I experience and think is worth sharing. I'm no profound sage or anything, just want to share stuff that might be helpful to others.
TOPICS AT THE MOMENT (or soon to be coming): Movies Animation 3D Animation Dancing Games Health (yes, even "non-essential" topics like this I'm planning on including here) Web Development Choosing a Career (so important, but not always so clear and/or easy)
This is a place to have fun and enjoy. Hopefully it's helpful, and you gain something out of it. |
Have fun and enjoy...