[Large Brodyaga (vagabond) banner... Бродяжий, в общем...:=)]
Only art explains, and that cannot itself be explained. We and art are
made for each other, and where that bond fails human life fails.
Only this analogy holds, only this mirror shows a just image.
Iris Murdoch. The Black Prince
Internet is an art
Интернет - это искусство

Добро пожаловать к Бродяге!

Заходи, дорогая (дорогой), гостьей (гостем) будешь!

    Gentle Internet surfer! This is a Vagabond Black tomcat's WEB-page about 3-D Virtual Reality and Role-playing Art Games on the Net, - but not only about that! My page is mostly in Russian language. To get some information in English about this page, and also about how to install Russian language (fonts, etc.) to read and type in Russian, just press here.

Do the right thing !!
[Trash iexplorer]
Take this advice !!
[Адрес Бродяги]
Интерактивное искусство

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Последнее изменение внесено 23-го января 1999 г.

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