Duke3D Cheat Codes
Marble Divider

Cheat code Effect
dnstuff Gives you all the items
dnscotty## (episode - level) Warps to specified episode and level
dnkroz Turns God mode on
dncornholio Turns on God mode in versions 1.0 - 1.1
dnhyper Gives you the steroids
dnclip Turns on clipping mode
dnmonsters Takes monsters out of the level
dnshowmap Shows the map to the level
dnskill# Changes skill setting of the game
dncashman Makes you throw money
dncoords Gives your coordinates
dnview External view of duke
dnrate Gives the frame rate
dnitems Gives you all the items
dnweapons Give you all the weapons
dninventory Gives you all the items in the inventory
dnkeys Gives you all the keys

Marble Divider

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