                 *** Tempest's BUILD Tutorial ***
                     Lesson 6 : Making mirrors
   A Tutorial on making mirrors in Duke Nukem 3D using Build.

Step 1:
   The way a mirror is created is quite odd. You might not expect it,
   but a mirror needs a big room behind it. Try turning clipping off
   (type DNCLIP) and walk through a mirror. You'll see that the room
   where you came from has been duplicatded behind the mirror. To
   create a mirror, make a big room behind the sector where your mirror
   will be. It's best to make it at least twice as large as the room
   where you'll be viewing the mirror from. The example uses relatively
   small rooms and you'll notice weird effects when you look at the 
   mirror from certain angles.

Step 2:
   Mask the wall (point at the floor or ceiling and press 'M'). This
   will be your mirror.

Step 3:
   Assign the mirror texture (sprite #560) to the masked wall.

Step 4:
   This is important: make the masked wall singled sided by pointing   
   at the mirror and pressing '1'. All the transparent parts of the
   mirror will be replaced by an opaque magenta color.

Step 5: 
   Point at the mirror and make it blockable (press 'B') and
   hittable (press 'H'). Your mirror is now finished. Go break it! 

 Cho Yan Wong (aka Tempest)
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