Luis Fernando Martins

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Welcome, my door-keeper has counted, so far, (Select here for your visit count) visitors of this humble home of mine, since its inauguration on the 20th of May of 1996. The "rooms" are, still, very simple, I will be working in their looks and add more useful information. If you would like to give me any suggestions, please feel free to use my Guest Book.

Here are the things you can find here:

Who I Am

My name is Luis Fernando Santos Silva Martins.

I am a Portuguese citizen born in S. Mamede de Infesta and am living now in Gueifaes.

I work at quatro, a software house located in Matosinhos where we develop on an IBM AS/400. This is a medium port computer used mainly in medium/big enterprises, having systems, with our applications, installed all over Portugal.

Hobbies and Interests

Portuguese stamp Collecting Stamps, B/W Negative Photography, Red Alert Computer games.

Quake Clan 5Q Ex-member of the Quake Clan 5Q Quake Clan 5Q

Interesting Links

AS/400 Related


Computer Games

Software for Windows '95

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Last modified: March 17, 2003
Luis Fernando Martins
R. Alzira Oliva Teles,91
Urb. Nosso Jardim
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