My first webpage ever! No one probably cares about the game it's based on anymore.... But I'm still proud of it. I made it with NOTEPAD at the age of 15. It had over 30,000 hits too! Anyway, it gives info on the game: Descent and Descent
][, two very cool games that I used play on my PC a lot, especially multiplayer.
Last updated 1997
page is all abouy my favorite Sports Car, The Mazda RX-7. This car is now discontinued in the U.S., but hopefully we'll see an all new RX-08 sports car from Mazda debut in 2002. I've had two RX-7's, This page will tell you about both. It's a very unique car,
especially its engine.. which has only three magor moving parts.. and oh yeah, no pistons. This page contains pictures of both cars, pictures of how the engines work, and Links to other
RX-7 sites on the Web...