Creatures of the Shattered World

Shadow Knights

Taken from Olaf Icebeard's treatise entitled "Fauna of the Fragments"

Copyright 1997, Mark Lambert
These dark abominations, while often considered part of the world of the undead, are truly quasi-undead at best. Known by many names, Shadow Knights, Dark Warriors, Blackswords, these are once powerful (and in most cases honorable) warriors who have surrendered part of the souls to dark magic in return for a form of immortality. They are not truly undead as they were never dead and reanimated as so many of the foul undead are. Rather, they give themselves freely to a form of depraved magic. This being the case, they fear not the power of the clerics who seem not to turn or vanquish these horrible creatures.

Unlike undead, these creatures are primarily free-willed. Although the wizards who create them do maintain a modicum of control, this control is more in the form of a grateful servant rather than blind obedience.

The Shadow Knights are typically reported as mounted, either on great warhorses (possibly which have been subject to the same dark magics) or occasionally on Nightmares. They are always well armed and armored - typically with the enchanted weapons which they carried in life.

It is believed that most of those who become Shadow Knights do so out of a desire to continue their work. One legend tells of the great Dwarven warrior Dugel Drayspear who rallied his forces at the siege of Ironhold and defeated the forces of Goblinkind. During the siege, Dugels family all perished. He became obsessed with the extermination of Goblinkind. Late in life, it is said that he made a bargain with a wizard to give him immortality so that he could continue to hunt Goblinkind. They say that even to this day, he roams the foothills near Ironhold.

It seems that most Shadow Knights have some purpose to which they are devoted. They are almost always solitary in nature. The one exception, if it is indeed true, are the rumors that speak of the Fragment Suliden (Fragment of the Dead). It is said that well over twenty Shadow Knights roam the island - possibly protecting the resting place of former companions or employers.

While Shadow Knights, in and of themselves are apparently not inherently evil, it seems that the magics which create them are. Having said this, I would not say that Shadow Knights are good or even friendly. It has been said that they have helped people in times of need, but at best I would classify them as amoral, with their life's ambition clouding all actions.

Unusual Aspects
Not only do the Shadow Knights retain their fighting skills, but the magic empowers them with other skills and attributes. It is not known if all Shadow Knights share the same set of abilities, or if each is unique. What is known is that all Shadow Knights have the ability to use or manipulate the fabric of shadows. Shadow Knights can never fully be exposed to sunlight, at least part of them must always be in shadow - no matter how small. Whenever they are totally covered by shadow, they are capable of actually moving from place to place, regardless of distance - by moving through the shadow realm. As they require shadows, in areas of complete darkness, Shadow Knights can not exist.

If ever exposed to total light or total darkness, Shadow Knights fade away. This does not kill them, but sends them to the realm of shadow for a period, believed to be at least three years.

In addition to the ability to manipulate shadow, the following has been reported as powers of certain Shadow Knights. Again, I have not yet been able to determine if all Shadow Knights share these powers, or if each is unique. Some are said to have: controlled hoofed animals, walk on wind, telekinesis, telepathy, resist fire, impervious to normal weapons.