Creatures of the Shattered World

Sun Statues.

Taken from Olf Icebeard's treaties entitled "Fauna of the Fragments"
Copyright by Mark Lambert ( July, 1997

Sun Statues, also known as Flamegoyles are apparently a sub-species of Gargoyle, magically altered to thrive in conditions of extreme heat. Although they have been noted on or near most fragments, they seem to prefer areas of volcanic activity, often immersing themselves in the lava flows. They can fly, and when directly exposed to sunlight, they do not seem to tire.

Sun Statues prefer to live in areas of extreme heat. They apparently suffer great physical pain when exposed to temperatures under 50 degrees, while temperatures below freezing are almost always fatal to them. Besides volcanic areas, deserts are another preferred nesting ground. They are typically found in small groups of four to seven with a dominate male is can be very territorial.

Unusual Aspects.
While not overly aggressive, they will attack when hungry or threatened or in pain. They love fire, and are often atracted to campfires, especially at night. Their body temperature must be well over 500 degrees, as there touch can blister skin, ignite combustibles, and melt some metals.

It is said that the Sun Statues were created by one of the Fire Mages, but this I can not confirm.