Experience Point Calculations: Each adventure, or subplot of an adventure, will be worth a certain number of XP's. That total will be the Standard XP Award. You will receive all or a portion of the Standard Award based on the following factors: Participation: 0 to 100% of the Standard Award. Those who are more active will receive more XP's. This doesn't mean each character should try to do everything. It means that there shouldn't be any doubt about what you are doing from week to week. You don't need to post a message every day to meet this requirement, but it would be nice to hear from you each update. This factor is individual to each player character. Role-Playing: 0 to 100% of the Standard Award. Role-Playin means being the same character from week to week. Even characters that don't speak much can still show what thei character is like by telling me the characters actions. If ther is a change of some sort, such as changing alignments, it should be a logical, gradual change. A sudden, unexplained shift will reduce your score for this category. This factor is individual to each player character. Thwarting the opposition/situation: 0 to 100% of the Standard Award. Depending on how well the opposition has been thwarted in their plans. This is a group award. Everyone will receive the same amount for this item. (Can you say "cooperation"?) Figuring out the problem/Clues: 0 to 100% of the standard value. Each clue will be worth a certain percentage. If there are 10 clues, then each is worth 10%. This is a group award, bu the person(s) who figures out the clue will receive an additiona 5% as a bonus. Innovation - 0 to 100%. Come up with some new idea I hadn' planned on for solving the problems or overcoming the opposition. Individual award. There are currently five categories, this means you can receive 5 times the Standard Award if you score the maximum in each category. For example, if the adventure is worth 2000 XP's and you've role played well, participated, and the group has found all the clues and completely thwarted the opposition, then that character will receive 10,000 XP's at the end of the adventure. Bonus's - Successful use of class abilities in furthering the adventure: 10-100 XP's per use depending on situation. Thi includes clerics healing the fighters or turning the undead, thieves sneaking into the castles, mages casting their spells fo the party, etc. Defeating creatures - The XP value of the creature will be divided among those who defeated it. Defeating doesn't no necessarily mean killing it. Fighting other Player Characters is highly discouraged. If there is a PC vs. PC conflict that I feel is unnecessary, wrong, or started by Malice, I will assign negative XP's to the action. If the conflict is justified in some way, the conflict will be resolved randomly by dice roles as in a face-to-face game