Welcome to 

[SSPzA] SS Panzer Armee Team Tactics Training!

Medal of Honor/Allied Assault/Spearhead is a military role playing simulation that has a single player mode that plays as both individual tactics and team tactics. The multiplayer mode of MOH also allows for individual achievement in such arenas as Free-For-All (FFA) matches, but I believe it's most outstanding quality is in the multiplayer team modes. Further when played as Round Based Team mode you enter an arena where both realism and game enjoyment reach its peak.


It is in the later mode that the [SSPzA] clan choose to do battle. In this arena we try to emulate realism by using the "realism" game modifications and by insisting on walking unless under fire.


The purpose of this linked website is for [SSPzA] personnel only to learn the value of Team Tactics vs. Individual achievement. To learn how to move, communicate and coordinate aggression as a team rather than to "run and gun".


Please visit the links on the side to read through the material.

Contact Sgt.ShotgunChris in the training division for more details.