Last Updated on 2/7/99

Lygeia's Storypage
A Brief Bio of Lygeia

Lygeia greets you with a smile, her eyes keen
and playful, though a discreet display of tooth and
claw reveal her hunter's heart.

Welcome! to my page devoted to the online RPG, Furcadia, and the life of one of its humble citizens, Lygeia. She is a friendly furre, so say hi if you see her. My hope is that, through providing an in-depth look into her life and character, I can convey some of the unique and wondrous qualities to be found in Furcadia. I have not, however, included any game description, screenshots, or world information (except what you glean from the stories themselves). These things have been done most capably by others, and I will not attempt to duplicate their fine efforts. What you will find here (I hope), is smiles, tears, and a gentle good time. I plan to update this page as often as I can, so come back from time to time.

What? You don't have Furcadia? Click on the button right away.
Or, visit Talzhemir's Treasure Trove, the official Furcadia webpage.

"Draw your chair up close to the edge
of the precipice and I will tell you a story."

-F. Scott Fitzgerald

Lygeia's Story
This section is dedicated to the events which have made Lygeia who she is.

Lygeia Reveals Her Curse
Lygeia Remembers Perivlon's Grace
Lygeia Claims a Name

Lygeia's Further Adventures in Furcadia
This section is dedicated to the events Lygiea encounters in her dreamings (what gets included will be entirely arbitrary).

Lygeia's Quest to Save the White Doe
In the Shadows of Theriopolis
Lygeia Uncovers Bannruod's Plot
A Dread Encounter on the Docks

Lygeia's Folk Tales and Other Stories
This section is dedicated to the stories which Lygeia tells in the Dreaming.

The King's Three Questions
How the Reef Was Made
The Nightingales
Trewel's Song
Hide and Seek
The Debate
Fortune Meets Reason
Hidden Treasure
The Twins
Chim's Faithful Servant
The Dragon's Justice
The Shirt On My Back
The Dreaming Soul
Skeleton Girl
The Seed

Lygeia's Favorite Playground (outside the Dreaming)
The Alliance message boards have long been a haunt of mine; a place to catch the news, air opinions, see great pics... with a shaded tree stump for philosofurres (who could resists?!). A special new feature that Tsarmina has added are the Furcadia Interactive Stories , and these are fun, fun, fun! Won't you come and play with us?

Lygeia's Selected Tales
This section is dedicated to stories by other furres which Lygeia hears or otherwise stumbles upon.
An Evening at Mycroft's - by Lobo Lorewolf
The Forgotten Species - by Ripra
The Gryphon and the Gift - by Issarad J'Khale
Diassa's Fury - by Issarad J'Khale
Picks and Hammers - by Issarad J'Khale
Island Life - by Mike McGee
The Giant 'Hyooman' Sandwich - by Clover
The Sun and the Moon - by Pangaea
To Chase the Wind - by Pangaea
Jalin Tor'ith - by Pangaea
The Storm Wolf - by Matrian
The Gift of Insults - by Felorin

Gambitt's Furcadian Fables
This section is dedicated to the stories, poems, and fables written by Gambitt.

The Quest and the New Adventure
The Kiss
Beauty and the Mute
The Wretched Word
The Clock Maker and the Chance
Opposite Furres Equal Opposite Futures
The Choosy Weather Seed
Taming the Cruel
The Hidden Talent

The Collected Works of Lord Fishbone
This section is dedicated to the stories and poems written by Lord Fishbone.

Burning Love
The Cavern
The Dark War
Fire Burnt
I Love I cry I Die

Tales From Jalin's Bar
This section is dedicated to the stories and poems written by Jalin Tor'ith.

The Ways of Love and the Heart
A Moment In Time
Heart and Sword
Weep for the Children
Memories of You
A Brief Overview of The History of the World
Song of the Soul
Jillian of Gothos
Along the Path
The Sun Shines Brightly
A Scholar She
Here I am
Gryphons of the High Reaches

I have given trying to keep up with all the wonderful pages being developed for Furcadia, so I respectfully direct you to Songhigh Knoll, the home of Matimeo where you'll find (among tons of other great stuff) the Furcadian Linkage Portal, which is quite comprehensive and most dilligently maintained.

Hugs from Lygeia

Thanks for visiting my storypage. If you enjoyed yourself, pay a visit to the Bard's Circle on Saturday nights to listen to stories like these live and in furreson. You will usually find us in the dream by the campfire on Allegria Island.

If you have a story you think belongs here, contact me at the address below.

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Please send any comments or suggestions to

(All references to Furcadia and any art, ect. taken from Furcadia appearing in these pages is the property of Dragon's Eye Productions. Anything else that was not created by me is the property of their respective owners)