By Jalin Tor'ith

T he elderly Tiger sat on the porch of his home, smoking his pipe and enjoying the warmth of the sun on his old bones. Children were laughing and playing outside, he watched the youthful energies of the cubs as they tumbled and rolled along the grass. He sighed and closed his rheumy eyes, as he thought of the peace that had come, the War ending years ago with the hyoomans suing for peace. Armies of occupation enveloped their homelands and the threat had ended with the razing of the hyooman capital cities, he remembered the day his command had taken the flag from the Hyooman leader’s building. He was so young, so proud of those days, when he and his companions had fought their way through campaign after campaign.

He thought of the day that Lady Tsunami herself presented him and his soldiers with the The Golden Dragon, for their bravery in the taking of the City of Kehnai. How they stood so tall, the Wolves and Great Cats of the Fourth Sabre Command, their armor gleaming in the sun as they stood before the beautiful leader of the Southern Forces. The Rodents of the Scout Platoon standing tall next to them, as Lady Tsunami personally awarded the medals and kissed the troopers on the cheek. How they were so young in those days, not fearing anything not knowing their own mortality.

He saw again the laughing faces of his friends, his comrades, the times they went on leave together, the times they talked deep into the cold nights.

He went into the house and stared at the mementos he had collected over his years serving the Southern Armies, the banners and armor stood in a corner, beside paintings of friends long gone over these many years. Their faces making him smile, and took him back to when they had first enlisted, how scared they were in their first battles.

His children were long moved away now, his sons and daughters married and with children of their own. His wife, gone these many years, stared at him from her portrait over the fireplace, her smile still warming him, her deep blue eyes twinkling with mischief. He loved her still, visiting her resting place and talking with her, reliving the times they shared, or just bringing flowers and sitting beside her headstone. Never had he thought about taking another as his love was only for her, his eyes seeing her in the kitchen fixing a meal, or beside him in bed just holding him.

Tomorrow was his birthday, his 76th year of life here in this happy place, he thanked the Gods for such a full and happy life. But tomorrow was just another day, he would visit the resting places of old friends to sit and think upon happier days, remembering long ago times when the world was full of promise. His dress uniform lay out on the chest at the foot of his bed, the medals gleaming brightly with silver and bronze, the Golden Dragon on a bright red ribbon waiting to be placed around his neck. He honored the memory of his friends by wearing it when he visited them, saluting them slowly and talking for hours. His bones were older and less stronger now, but he could still wear the armor that had been given him when he had been given the command of the Fourth Sabres. He sat to polish the inlaid greaves and breastplate for tomorrow, singing songs that had been their’s in the war. He wondered if anyone would drop by to visit him on his birthday, he hoped his children would have time for an old Tiger and his memories.

He lit the candle by his bed as he lay down, his mind tired from the the long day, his weary muscles sighed as he fell into a deep and restful slumber.

He awoke with a start as he heard a sound, his reflexes coming back as he drew his sword, preparing to face the intruder, by the Gods no one was going to steal from me!

His sword in front of him, he crept along the wall in his breechcloth, his eyes darting, his muscles gripping the worn handle tightly. He swung around the corner and saw a figure sitting in his chair by the fireplace, “Who are you and what do you want?”

The figure turned and looked at him, “You don’t recognize your own son Father?”

He lowered the blade as he looked at the fine figure his son had become, the armor gleaming in the firelight, his eyes smiling as he took his father into a warm embrace.

“Oh, oh son, I thought no one would come to be with me on my birthday, it is so good to see you. You have become a handsome young feline.”

A tear rolled down the gray muzzle as his son hugged him for minutes, “I love you father, I realize times have kept us apart, but never again, never again.”

The old Tiger composed himself and looked at his son, his eyes took in the broad shoulders and armor, the rank of Commander upon the pauldrons. He was so proud of his son, prouder still he would take the time to visit.

“Sit, sit for awhile Garl, please tell me whats happened in your life. Tell me of your adventures.”

His son rumbled a laugh,”I am in command of the Occupation forces of the hyooman capital city Father, I took your advice and became the best I could. This is why I’ve been away so long, I am sorry Father, so sorry I could not be here sooner.”

“I have traveled long to be here for your birthday, I have missed you so, so I took a transfer to be here in the area. I will be here for every birthday after this Father.”

Lymral looked hard at his son, “You...You did that for me? But why? You’re future was assured as a Commander of the Occupation, why give that up?”

His son looked thoughtful for a moment, “Maybe because my love for an old Tiger was worth more to me than rank?” He smiled at his Father, and chuckled softly.

Lymral smiled, “I am just an old tiger with old stories everyone has heard a thousand times, Garl, I am not worth giving up a future for.”

Garl’s face looked grim, “You are my Father, you are the one who taught me to swing a blade, you taught me wisdom and patience, you sat with me and told me how to be a better person. You are my Father and I love you dearly, yes it was worth it!”

He embraced his father again as Lymral cried softly, “My son, oh my son how its nice to see you! Let me fix you something to eat, you must be hungry from a long journey.”

His son pointed to the chair, “You will sit here while I fix something, today is your birthday Father, and I will not have you do anything for me.”

They sat and talked for hours over breakfast, Garl telling his father what it was like now in the hyooman lands, how they had been crushed beyond all hope of returning.

Garl looked at the timepiece on his father’s mantle, “Father, get dressed, we have things to do.”

“What? Let us sit here and talk Garl, I have no place to be today.”

“Father, you will not spend your birthday cooped up in this house, let us enjoy the sunshine together, get your uniform and we will go visiting.”

Garl helped put the gleaming armor on his father, tightening buckles and making sure the elderly Tiger was not too hard pressed to carry the weight,”Son, I wore this armor in more battles than I can recall, I can wear it now.”

Garl chuckled as he led the old Tiger to the door, bright light flooding the way as they stepped out onto the porch.

A carriage waited for them with a pretty lady inside, Lymral was shocked as he recognized the older face of the Lady Tsunami, now Queen of the lands, he went quickly to one knee and bowed his head. “M’Lady I ...I didn’t know it was you, forgive me.”

He felt a gentle touch on his shoulder as The Queen lay a paw on him, “No my General, do not bow before me, you have earned too many honors to be humble before the throne, rise you also son of Lymral, for in this Hero’s paws you have followed and we bid you not humble yourself before us.”

They arose and stood silent before the slight Queen, her eyes still bright with laughter as she bid them come with her, they rode along in the carriage as they talked.

“You son has told his commander often of you and of how he would be here for your birthday, that no one short of the Imperial Forces would stop him from making it.” She laughed like the chiming of delicate bells, Garl flushed red as he remembered the comment in a heated moment when the Marshal refused to let him go.

“Do not fear Commander, we understand what the meaning of family is, your father served us well and won many honors in our behalf, and for that we are grateful. When we heard that he was spending his days alone, we thought to pay a visit to him, and remind him that he is not forgotten.”

Lymral was speechless, the Queen herself coming to visit him? “My..My Queen I am honored, I am not alone, I have my memories and friends who will listen when this old Tiger rambles on.”

“My General, we would be pleased if later you would tell those tales to us at the Royal Court, long has it been since such a brave figure has graced us with his presence. We would be honored to have you stay with us.”

Garl and his father stared in speechless shock, an invitation to the Royal Court, such a thing was very rare. “My Lady, I am honored, truly I am.”

“It is we who are honored General, we who have to relearn what it is to keep the memories alive of the brave ones who fought and died in their thousands so we may live free. It is we who should be humbled by the fact that you my General, have spent your days alone, without the comfort that should have been given to you.”

“I have my family Your Grace, they love me as I do them, I need nothing more than that.”

“I have come here General, to offer you a place on my Staff, we have need of old warriors who know the ways and tricks of the enemy, we wish to keep our borders safe. We would also request that your son be your attache’ , that he may also serve us as you once did, and hopefully now will.”

They stared in shock at the elderly Queen, her eyes glinting at them, a warm smile as they knew she was not joking, she was earnest in her offer.

“You need not answer now General, you can wait till later.”

The carriage pulled up behind a hill that overlooked a far plain, Lymral was once again surprised as his daughters and other son ran up to greet him, with hugs and kisses he embraced them warmly, crushing them against himself, and holding his grandcubs in his arms.

Tears flowed freely as he kissed and embraced his children, holding one of his grandcubs in his arms as he looked at the family gathered to him. “I am so happy, oh its so good to see you all, Daria your so pretty now, just like your mother.”

A small paw tugged on his leg as he looked to see a cub staring up at him, “Yes?”

A small voice asked, “Are you my grandpa?”

Lymral laughed out loud, “Oh yes little one, oh yes.”

The family stood for a moment when the Queen walked up again, “My General, may I borrow you for a moment?”

He put the cubs down and walked over to her, “Thank you Your Grace, thank you for brining my family home to me.”

“We are pleased that you are happy General, will you walk with me?”

“I would be honored Your Majesty, “ he held out one armored arm and walked with her, looking back at his family he could see they were wlking up the hill and smiling back at him.

Reaching the top of the hill he stood silent for long moments, rows upon gleaming rows of troops and cavalry stood before him stretching into the distance like waves of sunlight.

Spear shone next to lances, flags and war banners snapped and fluttered in the wind, he looked to see older soldiers in ranks, soldiers he remembered serving with now serving again.

The Queen looked out upon the silence, and with voice magically enhanced she spoke, “Today we honor one who has served us well, and will hopefully serve us again, as leader of the Imperial Forces I give you General Lymral, Hero of the Battle at Kehlai, the one who took the Hyooman capital for us and thereby bringing the end to the war a bit faster, cheer for him my Troopers, give him the honors he has denied himself these many years.”

A roar like the waves crashing on a beach reached his ears as the multitudes of troops raised their arms and cheered, cheered for the elderly Tiger, the air thundering with the noise that carried for miles around.

Tears once again filled his gray eyes as he looked beside him and saw the shadows of the comrades who had passed on, their faces smiling at him and urging him on.

His watching family saw his back straighten and the gleam in his eye return as once more, a young Tiger stood looking out over a world filled with promise.

Copyright 1997 Jalin, Inc. No part of this story may be used or translated into any form, language or media without express per- mission of the author, who may be reached at Jalins_bar@hotmail.com for comments and suggestions.

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