The Sun Shines Brightly

The sun shines brightly through the canopy
Fog lay low on the ground, sleeping peacefully
Dozing, the earth sees a flash of red
Snow white fur following flame
Laughter like chimes ring through the forest
As Jillian plays in the day
The deer, the birds, they sing along
Enjoying this peaceful soul that has entered their domain
Running and laughing, she flys through the light
Smiles as bright as the new day follow her
The night falls, with twinkles and starlight
The moon sharing the joy of all that is Jillian
-By Jalin Tor'ith

Copyright 1997 Jalin, Inc. No part of this poem may be used or translated into any form, language or media without express per- mission of the author, who may be reached at for comments and suggestions.

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