I will not give out all the cheats (note that this does not
mean that I don't know them), but only the cheats that I use.
I do use cheats **GASP!** but very rarley. And even when I do
use cheats it's not becuase I can't beat a level. As of now (10-3-96)
the only cheats that I have used in the past five months are below.
This activates the level skip
orcxx humanxx
Where xx is where you want to go
On Screen
I only use this when I'm testing a PUD. It let's you see the whole map.
The only cheat I use semi-regularly, type it in and have some fun:)
If the want is great enough I will add the remaining cheats.
**Note - the cheater picture was taken (with permission) from Doefreaker's Home Page.