
This page was designed with a view to providing helpful information to assisting you in removing virus's.

The team's from the the DalNet, GalaxyNet and AustNet Networks have come up with the following pages to assist you in the removal of a virus you may encounter on any of those networks with your IRC client.

Unfortunately there are a lot of different ones out there at the moment and most people don't relise the file they accepted from a friend or aquaintence isn't a new game or information of interest to them until they try to run it.

The Safest Way to avoid a Virus is not to accept any files from anyone particularly files with the following extentions:
.EXE, .COM, .BAT, .INI, .BIN, .MRC, .LNK, .VBS, .PIF, .SHS and Anything that may have 2 extensions e.g. mypicture.bmp.vbs, Life_stages.txt.shs

Please read all information on Pages Contained before downloading any Programs!

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